Productive lesson

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Chapter 5:

"you what???" you were surprise.

"I'll teach you, you'll never get out of this, if you don't do something to change it, you want to change that?"

you kept thinking, you've had stronger desires, 18's driving you crazy, and it's not like you're expecting the right guy, you were not so innocent like that, this doesn't exist, you just wanted someone who treated you well and with respect, no first love.

You want this moon, you know you want it ...

"o-okay, but hobi can't know about this"

"ok" jungkook came close to your face making you dodge a little. "Classes are going to be private" he smirked.

you rose from the sand and ran to the sea, you needed to cool down. Jungkook watched you with a smile of amusement on his face, but when you took off the dress that covered you and went all in bikini, the boy's smile was replaced by a face of surprise.

the bikini you had chosen accentuated your curves and you have many, with everything in place, you caught everyone's attention on the beach.

"It looks like it's going to be fun after all"

Jungkook looked to the side and yoongi stared at him smiling.

"sure..." jungkook bit his lower lip "hyung I'm going to have to take a little while to make a date for you two ..."


"There are things I need to solve with moon."

Yoongi stared at the youngest but said nothing.


jungkook invited you to go to his house after the beach, you went home to take a shower and went to meet him. luckily hoseok had a date so he wouldn't care about you for a few hours.

I wanted to have a date too.

you were waiting in the garage when jungkook appeared with two glasses of lemonade. You accepted it willingly.

"wow, your garage is ... cool" you looked at all the expensive games and sofas he had there, you stared at the porn magazines and didn't even try to imagine what all those boys were doing together.

You took a sip of the lemonade and then regretted it, because had vodka in it.

"I can't drink"


"I-I can't control myself!"

Jungkook smiled. "even better!"

you rolled your eyes.

"So ... you never kissed anyone?" he asked. you looked away and faced the glass in your hand. "no".

"ok ..." jungkook took his and your glass and set the two glasses down on the coffee table. he slowly approached you, put a hand behind your neck.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Moon, you have to let me help you ..."

you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, which jungkook found extremely cute. he smiled and stretched out to reach your cheek. you could feel his breath against your face, which made you shiver.

Jungkook closed his eyes and you kept yours tightly shut. swallowing, you felt his soft lips kissing you on the cheek. jungkook knew he couldn't go fast with you, everything would go wrong.

he gave you one... 


three kisses tracing a path from your cheek to your mouth. and slowly his mouth touched yours.

my first kiss...

your heart was racing, hands were sweating and trembling.

His mouth was softly against yours, but soon he pressed his lips harder. Jungkook was struck by how soft your lips were, and it made him want to kiss you even more.

without realizing his will ran over his actions and he used his tongue to open your lips and invade your mouth, you were scared but didn't interrupt, everything was new and so good. following his rhythm, you put your tongue in his mouth, and the struggle for dominance began.

his hands went to your hair, jungkook pulled you closer, sticking his body into yours, and what began with the innocent kiss, now was a kiss full of desire, with hands wandering around.

you bit his lower lip lightly, and he realized what was happening.

too fast jungkook, too fast.

 he then parted the kiss, and you two now looked panting at each other.

"Good first class! Congratulations!" he said blandly. jungkook never thought he would be embarrassed by just a kiss, but you, who are so innocent aroused a desire in him.

congratulations, wtf??

he thought.

you laughed at the boy's coment and got his baptized lemonade, took a couple of sips and sat down on the couch to breathe.

"I think the first class was ... productive" you joked. jungkook sat on your side on the couch and looked at you, you were beginning to feel the effect of alcohol on your body.

"I agree." Jungkook picked up a cushion and covered his lap. 

"What is happening jungkook?" he looked startled at you. "Nothing, nothing"

you made a party in my pants moon

 just in time his phone rang and he hurriedly answered.

"jungkoooook c'mooooooooooooon! we are having a party." jimin said through the phone.

"ok hyung"

Jungkook hung up the phone and looked at you.

"Ready for your next lesson?"

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