Last lesson [+18]

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Chapter 26:

"I wanted you to know that I had nothing to do with what happened at the prom." jungkook began to say.

"I know ..." you interrupted. "Hobi told me, I was just too scared when everything happened, I'm sorry for what I said too, I didn't mean it, I really wanted everything to happened between us."

Jungkook smiled shyly and looked up at the dark sky.

"I don't think we'll see each other again" he sound sad.

he was right, after all we were going to different colleges, one away to far from the other.

the only social cycle we had in common was hobi and yet you don't know if they would keep talking.

"Thank you anyway, for everything." you said smiling, you went to him and kissed his cheek, which seemed to surprise him.

"My father is waiting me" you said as you walked away.


One week later...

You were walking with hoseok, you had gone to buy some snacks because you were always hungry.

"Does your father already know you went accept to college?"

"no, I didn't want to tell him, I didn't want to go to this college"

"but you know he'll notice when you kind of move to the college campus."

"I know hobi ... but I wanted to go to your college."

"you can try next year"

"Of course" you replied with a weak smile on your face, but you were very sad to know you were going to spend a year without seeing your best friend.

your two college were very far from each other. your goal was to get into his college, that with the same as jungkook.

By far you've seen jungkook eating lamen alone. you thought about what he did for you last week at graduation, you never even talked to him again after that.

"I'll be back" you said to your friend. hoseok followed your gaze and soon realized what it was, so he went to get some soda for the two of you.

you approached jungkook, he was with his back facing you.

"I've heard that eating alone is bad for healty." You said jokingly.

jungkook turned and for a moment you can swear you saw a small smile on his face appear when he saw you.

"And who said that?" he smiled and pulled out a bench for you to sit beside him.

"My mother used to tell me this when I was little, but I think it was just because she liked to eat with me" you sat on the bench.

"But now I'm not alone anymore, am I?" he asked, staring at you.

"no, you're not." you looked at your hands with embarrassment staring at him. "jungkook ..." he looked at you.

"thank you for doing that at graduation"

he knew what you were talking about but decided to play a little.

"getting naked in front of everyone really deserves a big thank you, this little body here isn't easy to maintain."

you rolled your eyes and laughed.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about." he smiled, "no need to thank, I just don't want you to be mad at me, and believe me when I say I had nothing to do with that."

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