what does that mean?

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A / N: Are you okay? because I'm not, I just saw the new bts teaser, help me, bts have to understand that I have weak heart and they can't attack me like that!


Chapter 33:

After what had happened in the bedroom, you tried to compose yourself as hard as you could. you eventually find it very easy to get drunk after you've spent so much energy in an orgasm.

jungkook approached you. "Are you okay, moon?"

"i am" you said holding a glass of beer. hoseok saw and approached you two. "Oops, let's change that" he took out your glass of beer "and replace with this" he gave you a glass of water.

"Why are you two here, Instead of going to kiss girls?" your voice was drawn you had started to get very drunk, like you had never been before.

"I think it's time to go home ..." hoseok said. "hobiiiii, leave me" you said pouting.

hoseok laughed and forced you to take some sips from the water. "Come on, I'll help you wash your face," hoseok said taking you to the bathroom. "need help?" jimin approached and asked, he and jungkook looked at you worried.

Hoseok shook his head and grinned to dismiss the boy's help.


you sat in the pot while hobi took the towel and wet it to pass on your face.

"I'm spoiling your party right?" You said sad.

"No, you're not, you're my sweetheart, my best friend, you never spoil the party, you're the party," he said, smiling.

"Look at him, all cute." You laughed. hobi slowly passed the towel on your neck and face, he tied your hair so you could feel cooler.

"It's too hot" you complained. "It has a giant swimming pool outside and I'm here melting"

"If you get in the pool like that, you sink like old dung."

you looked at him with a disgusted face and then slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"Moon, tell me the real one, why are you so drunk?"

"Because I want"

hobi looked at you seriously, he knew you too well to swallow that response. "It's okay to get drunk when you were younger and never had a drink, but now you have to have reasons"

"We college students get drunk when we can't cope with college, or end of relationship, and in your case I know it's neither."

he crouched in front of you, resting his arms on your thighs. you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, feeling your body calm down.

"I don't know ... but I'm having strange feelings about jungkook and now that's what happened to jimin, I realized I'm having it for him too. I don't know if this is new, or if it's because I'm just seeing this now. "

hoseok smiled.

"Are you sure it's not just desire?" hoseok asked smiling.

you nodded. "It's something different, more ... sincere."

"I'm going to tell you, you may be starting to get interested in jungkook the way he cares about you. It's more than sex between the two of you, and I guess for jimin, maybe it's too soon to tell."

"but it's been so long ..." you said remembering when hoseok said that jungkook liked you and how you felt when jimin kissed you for the first time years ago.

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