I don't know how to do this.

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Chapter 4:

you were expecting hobi that was 15 minutes late, you had already bought popcorn and soda, and your two favorites sweets.

you always went to the movies or to coffe shops together every weekend, it was the rule of the two of you, no matter how many girls hobi fucked, you would never abandon him for being playboy, because he is a good person despite playing with the feelings of other girls.

"Finally," you said when you saw hobi approaching. but soon your smile turned into a grimace when you saw jungkook accompanying him.

hobi shrugged apologetically.

"Wow, you don't have to party because I'm here, baby!" Jungkook said sarcastically when he saw your face.

you rolled your eyes and headed to the movie theater. jungkook put his arm on your shoulder, you thought it was strange but you didn't protest.

What does this boy want?

in the movie theater you ended up sitting in the middle, jungkook made sure to stay on your side, but no one knew why, hobi ended up sitting on the other side because he didn't care.

after many screams and cries in the horror movie that hobi had chosen, his cell phone decided to play in the middle of the session.

"Moon, I need to go, my mother said that she needs me urgently!"

"what happened?" you asked worried.

"I don't know, but I have to go. Jungkook takes her home, please."

"No need" you said blandly.

"Ok hyung" jungkook replied ignoring your answer.

in jungkook's head everything was perfect, he would start his plan today.


you two were walking down the dark street, in an uncomfortable silence. you didn't know what to say, and jungkook didn't know how to start a subject.

"So ..." Jungkook said. "tomorrow is Saturday and everyone goes to the beach ... why don't you meet us there?"

"because I don't like sand between my fingers"

Jungkook rolled his eyes mentally.

what a boring girl ... she will never get popular like that.

He smiled. "yoongi will be there"

Your heart pounded and your cheeks turned slightly pink. yoongi the guy you have a huge crush since elementary school.

you stopped in front of your house, everything was off, your dad were already sleeping, you were very mature and always did things the right way, they didn't care about you alone, after all you were already 18 years old.

Jungkook sighed and stretched. "So, I hope to see you tomorrow"


"ah and wear a bikini, hyung likes sexy girls" jungkook said walking towards his house.

Sexy girls? I don't know how to be sexy, I don't know anything about nothing, i don't know how about flirt, dates or kiss, I never kissed anyone.

you entered a mild state of panic, worried only about your art, you never cared about dating, you only admired yoongi as if he was a misunderstood piece of art.

you entered the house and threw yourself into bed, frustration overpowering you, for the first time you wanted to be like the popular girls at school who always had boyfriends.


you didn't know exactly how you got there but it was too late, the boys played beach volleyball and some girls were sunbathing lying on the sand. you were sitting under the sunshade reading a book.

you lifted your gaze when you herad a shout of celebration, and without realizing you were smiling to see yoongi smile too, the boys seemed so happy, that even made you want to participate in the game.

but as a good-terrible sport person, you preferred to stay in the corner.

yoongi was just in shorts, you watched his white skin exposed to the sun, and you just wanted to spread sunscreen on him to protect him from the sun.

you bit your lips without realizing it, your throat was dry and the heat seemed to increase.

damn hormones ...

"You can stop drooling and go talk to him, he doesn't bite ... i mean, unless you ask" jungkook that appeared out of nowhere next to you said, he blinked and smiled.

Why they are all so handsome?

you would stare at his rabbit smile, and without realizing it, you smiled too.

how cute. Oh my God, someone stop me.

you took a deep breath of frustration.

"I don't know how to do this ..."

"Do what? just say hello to him."

"and then what?"

"Then you guys hang out, talk and kiss, fuck ..." Jungkook spoke as if it were simple and easy, maybe for him since all the girls would throw themselves at his feet.

"I don't know how to do these things you do ..."

"What do i do?"

you cringed with shame. Your voice came out almost like a whisper.

"kiss ... or-or sex ..."

"what?" jungkook laughed. "You're kidding, right? Even you could ... never mind, are you serious?"

he looked down at your face and saw your look of sadness. he inspired and was about to regret what he was going to say, but he said anyway

all for the bet.

"Okay, I'll teach you"

Seducer Game|JK|+18|ENG versionWhere stories live. Discover now