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Chapter 48:

Jungkook and Jimin entered the sea with their surfboards that were stocked in the beach house.

You sat on the sand and picked up a book, you would only get into the water later when the boys had gotten sick of the board.

The day was warm but pleasant, the sea breeze was always welcome to refresh your skin, and as much as the sand between your fingers wasn't your first choice of relaxation, listening in the distance the laughter of the two at sea were pretty anxiolytic .

You took a deep breath and smelled the sea air, closing your eyes, last night's images, the incredible sex you had, came in your head sped up your heart and ruffled your body, and this morning jungkook's "I love you" created in your mind a happy place only yours.

Giving yourself this way to another man was so different, and as always jungkook teaching you new things, like love.

Being with the two was different, but complementary, each with his own way of treating you, never the same, the two alternated in being cute and dominant in a way that made you weak.


The night had come and you three decided to make a bonfire in the sand, the boys lined the floor with an old sheet that was in the house and they brought some food to bake at the fire.

"I just think you should try surfing, we'll teach you," Jungkook said as he fingered a sausage to bake.

"I can hardly walk without stumbling on firm ground," you answered in all honesty.

Jimin handed you a pot of grapes while he tried to melt some chocolate, it was a pretty funny scene.

"This is so perfect," jimin said looking up, the sky extremely starry, very different from the city sky where the buildings prevented the view of the night.

Jungkook lifted his gaze from his snack for a few seconds.

"I feel totally different with you two" jimin finished, still looking up at the sky.

"Different good or different bad?" Jungkook asked now, staring at the boy.

"Good, definitely good!"

Jungkook smiled sheepishly, and you could not help smiling at the sight of that scene.

So cute.

"I feel the same," you said.

"I've never been in such a relationship" jimin dropped the bowl with the chocolate that was already burning.

 "is this a relationship? because honestly i'm not ready!" Jungkook said putting one hand on his chest, you and jimin stared at him.

"I'm joking, I'm joking" he finished, appeasing both of you.

"I wanted to ask something." Jungkook looked at jimin expecting some approval.

Jimin nodded.

"What? why are you two staring at each other like that?"

"Moon, me and jimin were talking earlier in the sea and..." Jungkook paused longer than necessary.

"What?" You quickly looked away from jungkook to jimin. "what??" You said it now with more urge in your voice, leaving the pot of grapes aside.

"Would you like to date us?" Jungkook asked.

You looked shocked at him and then shifted your gaze to jimin.

"Han?" You expected everything but that.

Jimin smiled. He placed one hand on your cheek and ran his thumb over your lower lip that hung slightly opened by the initial shock.

"I love your way," he said looking into yourr mouth, "I love everything about you." His voice became louder and lower. "I love you."

He said.

You swallowed, your heart had skipped a beat. You were in doubt if you were going to smile or cry.

Jungkook nodded his head in agreement with jimin.

"It's more than obvious that we all love each other, we've known each other for a long time and even if we didn't, what I feel about the two of you is ..." Jungkook's voice became more vulnerable. "it is inexplicable"

At that moment you were sure of everything, that there was your place, between those two men, along with them.


"Yes?" Jimin repeated.

"Yes!" You smiled holding back so you didn't cry.

The starry sky, the silence around it, the deserted beach and the crackling of the bonfire gave the perfect mood.

Jungkook and jimin have come even closer to you, each on one on your side. They both gave you a kiss on the cheek initially, but soon jimin slowly turned your face to him and sought your mouth, and lightly his lips touched yours, fitting perfectly.

His thick, plum lips drove you crazy.

Jungkook didn't stay behind and then kissed you two, with smaller lips, but as good as and so firm, guiding you at temptation.

Then leaving your mouth and staring at each other, the boys kissed each other, in a gesture that definitely showed love and affection.

You soon joined the kiss again. Jimin with one hand on your waist, while Jungkook held Jimin's thigh in front of you.

Slowly separating, you looked at both of them.

"I love you too" you finally said for the two of them.


A/n: nothing to declare, no one need to shipp no one, just respect, I shipp everyone with everyone, me including.  😉😉😉 and again sorry for my bad english.

  😉😉😉 and again sorry for my bad english

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