Help [+18]

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Chapter 11:

Your life had suddenly become a constant hangover. You rolled out of bed until you fell. your face against the icy ground. You were wearing the same clothes from the previous night only without the shorts, indicating that you had not taken a shower.


"Get the fuck up, Dad is working and he asked you to clean the house and take out the trash, today is your day." bambam said standing at my door.


You got up from the floor with a lot of effort and went to the bathroom to take a shower, after all you looked like a panda with all that makeup erased. You looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed light purple marks on your neck.



After cleaning the whole house, and forcing your brother to throw the garbage away, you called  hoseok and apologized, he told you everything that happened on the phone, laughing at your face.

"But seriously, you need to learn to drink before you go on trying the heavier drinks, you idiot." he mocked you.

"Okay, thank you for being cute, I vomited in somebody?" He laughed on the other end of the line "no" you felt relief. "so I consider it night a win win." you finished.

"You would have entered a threesome with yoongi and jimin if I hadn't arrived in time."

"And why do you think that's good?"

"You're welcome"

You smiled because you knew he'd be rolling his eyes now.

"Thank you hobi"


"Jungook why are you taking so long?" You yelled from the garage couch, if that could be called a garage, it was more for a game room / movie theater

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"Jungook why are you taking so long?" You yelled from the garage couch, if that could be called a garage, it was more for a game room / movie theater.

Jungkook was trying to calm himself down, he had heard what you had said to hoseok when you were leaving the party and since then he has imagined you playing with yourself.

He had already prayed all the prayers, poured cold water on his face and even had touched himself to see if his will had passed, nothing was doing any good.

I need to do something about it.

He went back to the garage with the bucket of popcorn, turned off the lights and sat by your side, you pressed the play and the movie began. It was one of those stupid comedies that everyone watches.

You laughed at sometimes, but jungkook was serious, nervous and focused on not thinking about you touching your pussy.

One sheep, two sheep ...

"It's everything ok jungkook?" You asked by touching his thigh. He looked at your hand and took a deep breath. "Jungkook?"

"Yes, everything is fine." You looked strange to him but he didn't give much attention.

"You really did that?" Jungkook couldn't help himself, he had to ask.

"Did what?"

"Did you masturbate?" he asked. You swallowed and looked at him.

He listened? Fucking hell.

"I-I ..." You didn't know what to say. "Just be honest, I'm freaking out." he said. And now you were too, you didn't expect to find yourself in such a situation.

"Y-Yeah, but it didn't really help much ..." You said, looking away from him. But he kept staring at you. Jungkook felt his dick stiffen inside his pants.

He put his hand on your thigh. Damn day you decided to wear skirt.

"So can I help you?" He said almost in an inaudible tone. You didn't say anything, just nodded, you wanted that and so did he.

His hand slid into your thigh, feeling your skin soft as silk, he lifted your skirt a little to give more room, and ran his hand over your panties.

Taking a deep breath not to lose your sanity, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to enjoy the moment.

He put his hand inside your panties and with his middle finger began to make very delicate circular motions, You moaned his name. your wetness now increasing and helping his finger slide.

With the help of the gauge he continued to play with your clitoris, taking you to madness jungkook stuck a finger slowly in you, to test your limit, he removed and put his finger inside again.

You moaned and scratched the sofa with your nails, you laid your head on his shoulder. He kissed you on the forehead. He increased the speed and pressure of his movements.

"Jungkook I will ... cum"

Then he didn't stop until the cold in your belly became liquid in his fingers.

You were panting with heavy eyes.

My first orgasm with other person.

You smiled and he turned to you.

"It was a pleasure to help you." He then licked his two wet fingers, he gave you a smile and a soft kiss on your lips.


*sorry not sorry*

*sorry not sorry*

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Seducer Game|JK|+18|ENG versionWhere stories live. Discover now