Prom pt.2

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Chapter 24:

you walked up to the boys with a smile on your face, you were confident. everyone was looking at you.

jungkook approached you to speak in your ear, the music was loud and he wanted to make sure you would listen.

"You're without a shadow of a doubt you're the most beautiful girl here, it's going to be hard to keep my hands off you tonight"

you laughed and pushed him lightly, looking at the smile he gave you, you felt your heart beat faster and faster.

swallowing you turned away from the boys to go get some punch that of course someone had already baptized with alcohol.


Irene was talking to her friends and all her followers. "Look at her with the boys, can you believe it?"

" I think she's beautiful" one of the girls said and then regretted, as Irene gave her a cold gaze.

"She is... acceptable" Irene corrected. she crossed her arms as she stared at you drinking with the boys.

"Today the results are going to be surprising, let's go with 'carrie -the strange' on moon."

Irene smiled a wicked smile from whatever she was planing.


people were dancing and having fun on the dance floor, you were feeling alive and well with yourself. some of the boys hooking up with other girls, including yoongi. jungkook was sitting drinking alone.

you saw him from afar, he seemed distracted watching the others dance. you went towards him and pulled him to dance, he denied it at first but then gave in.

deep down he could not resist you.

you two began to dance to the hectic music that played. after a few minutes the music slowed and the DJ switched to a slow song, jungkook grabbed your waist and pulled you into his body.

you put your arms on his shoulders, and almost touching your face with his, you stayed like that, dancing together until the song ends, smiling silly at each other.

It was good have him this close to your body.

"Ok ok party people, well..." Hoseok announced on the stage, he was going to announce the king and queen of the prom.

"We are going to run the drums my friends, because the king of the rpom is ..."

"JUNGKOOK! the captain of the football team." hoseok shouted announcing and everyone shouted excitedly, applause exploded through the hall and cries of desperate girls were heard everywhere.

Jungkook stepped onto the stage and thanked hoseok, blandly he took the small bouquet of flowers and the small plastic crown he had put on his head.

"and now ladies and gentlemen, the prom queen"

a long pause was made, everyone was eager including you.

"and the prom queen is .... MOOOON!" hoseok announced.

you didn't believe it, shocked you came up gaping on the stage, people applauded you, jungkook smiled at your side. he pulled away and the spotlight was only on you as you received the flowers and the crown.

well then...

everything turned red. you felt your body wet and the noise of surprise that people did.

you knocked the bouquet down, your eyes filled with tears, and your throat knotted.

You didn't understand anything, you couldn't see.

"Thank you to everyone who voted and made this possible" Irene's voice came up behind the curtain. people started to laugh, not all of them, some people felt sorry for you.

"Congratulations moon" Irene said into the microphone.

you couldn't see right, you just smelled the paint on you, seeing everything red you dared to run, and sliding managed to leave the stage.

"I love this" you heard irene saying.


you looked at yourself in the mirror, makeup, hair, dress ... all ruined with red paint.

the silent tears streamed down your cheek. the bathroom door opened and you turned to see who it was.

"moon, are you ok?" jungkook enter the bathroom.

you didn't answer, your blood was boiling, you were holding your hands in the sink, staring at the mirror.


"Did you have something to do with this jungkook?" Your voice was pure hatred.

"what?" he looked offended, but you did not believe him.

"she's your ex, you habe sex every once in a while, I don't doubt that the king of the prom got angry with someone else winning the crown that belongs to his girlfriend"

"Moon, are you serious?" Jungkook laughed without believing that, how could you think on that. "What is your problem?" jungkook asked.

"is it so unbelievable so jungkook? after all you made a bet on my back to 'conquer' me, I would not doubt anything else coming from you."

"So you didn't forget that after all."

you went towards him so that you could walk out the door.

"No jungkook, I didn't forget, I only pretended because I wanted to lose something that was bothering me, my virginity, I just used you, just like you did with me."

and so you left without turning to see the face of deception that stood jungkook's face.

and so you left without turning to see the face of deception that stood jungkook's face

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A / N:

If you don't remember or you know, in Carrie the Strange they drop pig blood on her at the ball. It's a cool movie, this is the 2013 remake.

 It's a cool movie, this is the 2013 remake

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