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Chapter 27:

"I hate that college dad!!" you fought with your father in the kitchen while he made lunch, it was a holiday and you had gone home.

"I don't care, you were accepted to that college and that's where you're going to stay, i don't have money to pay for your college.a" your father argued back.

"Actually ..." you handed the letter of approval to your new college. "I went accepted to one of the best colleges in Seoul."

"How? When?" he looked at you seriously.

"When I saw that place was the hell on earth" you said referring to your current college.

the people were disgusting, dicks up and assholes, the guys assaulted the girls in the hallways and nobody did anything, they never had parties, there was a lot of drugs and even prostitution among the students and teachers.

it was awful. but finally you had passed into the college of your dreams, it was extremely expensive so you had managed to get a scholarship.

after a year of studying in that hell, you could do arts elsewhere.

"Well ... so it looks like you're moving" your father said. "I hope you keep your notes, because I can not afford this college either."

you jumped with joy and ran to hug your father. "Thank you for understanding dad." you kissed his cheek.


"are you kidding??" Hoseok yelled from across the phone line. he was studying at the college you had just entered, you hadn't spoken for a year because your old college was too far away, so you've lost touch with everyone.

you just talked to hoseok sometimes on the phone anyway, because it was hard to fit the schedules of you two.

"I'm telling the truth" you jumped with joy in your room.

"and when you come?"

"I'm packing my bags right now, tomorrow night I'll get there."

"This is amazing moon, I miss you so much"

"aaan don't cry babyboy, I'm already going back to you."

I hobi laughed and you felt yourself going the right way again.


"wow here is beautiful

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"wow here is beautiful ... and huge" you said admiring the campus, the trip had been long and you had arrived at night, so people were in the dorms, and few were out of campus.

"moon young?" a female voice called you. you turned around and saw a beautiful girl staring at you smiling.

"Yes" you smiled back.

"Hello, I'm Ellie, but you can call me El. I'm your guide, I'll show you the class rooms and your dormitory and about this I have some bad news ..."

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