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A/n: Babes i also have a YouTube channel, go check please, u can find me by kookiejair.


Chapter 6:

before going to the party that you had not exactly agreed to go. Jungkook forced you to wear a short dress from his sister and asked her to do a make up on you.

the result hadn't been all bad, just wasn't your style.

the result hadn't been all bad, just wasn't your style

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"Err ... hmm." Jungkook cleared his throat. "you look beautiful!"

"I look uncomfortable" you said, already high for the drink earlier, not noticing the looks you received from him.


the music was so loud that the windows of the house were shaking, people everywhere, some already drunk, fortunately some familiar faces, such as hoseok for example.

you went towards him that was with the other boys of bts. you hugged him from behind and smiled.

"HOBIIIII!" you said in the cheerful voice, courtesy of the vodka you had drunk earlier.

"Moon, what are you doing here? You drank? What dress is this?"

"Many questions, lots of questions. Blah, blah I want more drink."

You got the glass of a random boy that passed you. It was beer, yuck, but you drank it anyway.

"Hey, take it easy," hobi said, taking the empty glass out of your hand.

"I decided that today I want to have fun! Please leave me, I'm never invited to anything nice!"

hoseok looked at your puppy eyes, and sighed. "Okay, but be careful, you're very beautiful and the boys will chase after you"

"as long as none of them stinks with me" only you laughed at your unsightly joke, jungkook and the others looked at you seriously.

yoongi nudged jungkook that kept looking at you. "It seems like you're doing a great job with her ... she's so hot."

Jungkook laughed uneasily. "It seems like I will not lose the bet"

"and when can I enjoy my part?"

"calm hyung, she's still very innocent, this way you're going to scare her, and I'm going to fuck myself!"

Yoongi shoved the boy's shoulder lightly and went after another drink. A few seconds later Jungkook was distracted by talking, you were gone from his sight.

"hoseok where is moon?"

"she went to the bathroom"

Jungkook came into the party and got a drink, he took a few sips but he hadn't stopped looking around to find you. unfortunately what he found wasn't you, but his ex Irene.

she was coming toward him. "Jungkookie, are you here alone?"

better alone than in bad company irene, in this case with you. "Jungkook dropped his glass and went looking for you. He asked some people where the bathroom was until he found it.

you talked to a guy who was touching you all the time, but you didn't seem comfortable, and you didn't even know how to get out of that situation.

Jungkook pushed the guy away from you, the guy made an ugly face but when he saw it was jungkook he ran out quickly.

"Moon, are you okay?"

You were already drunk, so you just smiled silly. Jungkook couldn't help but smiled too. pulling you into the room where everyone was dancing, you two started to really enjoy the party.

the girls hit on jungkook but he kept them all away, his goal was clear, you, win the bet.

you under the influence of alcohol, began to dance glued to the jungkook, and remembering kiss from earlier you threw your arms over his shoulder.

jungkook also remembered earlier and the his desire resurfaced. his hands on your waist, the two of you dancing to the beat of the music.

you kissed him quickly catching him by surprise, and without delay he replied kissing you back this time more time consuming. the kiss began to warm when the tongues met.

the desire was very strong, you didn't know if it was alcohol or if it was the will to live something different, maybe the two together.

you had seen a bedroom earlier on your way to the bathroom and pulled jungkook guiding him along the way, your vision was a little blurry but your other senses seemed to be sharpened by the drink.

Jungkook squeezed your hand and you didn't turn to him and led him into the bedroom quickly, locking the door behind you.

"moon?" Jungkook smiled suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

"Going to the next lesson," you said going up to him and kissing him willingly. jungkook hands gripped your waist firmly, you put your hands under his black shirt, feeling his firm abs.

you didn't know who you were, but it was very different from the nerd and was excluded that you are.

"Moon, no!" Jungkook said against your lips. "jungkook I want you, you don't want me?" You kept kissing him.

Jungkook realized something he hadn't noticed before, he wanted you, much more than he should. he was already having problems with his things down there for the third time that day, and it's all your fault.

"No moon" he said when you tried to take his shirt off again. You were already angry and sad.

"Aren't you the boy who fuck all the girls? Why you don't want me then?" the alcohol was speaking for you.

jungkook was speechless, he didn't know the answer, the truth is that if it was any other girl he would already be naked in bed with her. but for being you and you being a virgin and best friend of his friend ...

he was already dizzy. just in time hoseok entered the room interrupting you both.

Thank God

Jungkook thought, he had no answer to that situation, and knowing that you would be okay with hoseok, he ran out the door leaving you behind.

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