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Chapter 52:

"So you had sex with El?" You were in the cafeteria with hoseok, you crossed your arms waiting for an answer.

the problem was, hoseok had never had a girlfriend, and never wanted to have one, and now he had given all hopes to El, who was very inexperienced at all, which reminded you a lot of herself.

you didn't want either of them to get hurt, and you didn't want to ruin any friendship.

"yeah ..." hoseok took a sip of his cappuccino and looked with abandoneddoggy eyes to you.

"It's no use staring at me like that, hobi."

he took a deep breath and shrank back in his chair.

"You know very well that El is innocent, you two fucked and she already thinks you're going to date," you said with a little desperation in your voice.

hoseok laughed.

"Look, if there's one thing that El is not, is innocent, you don't know the things that we did in the ..."

"aaaaa LALALALA" You covered your ear and threw a crumpled piece of napkin over his face. "I don't care about your sex life."

you were still crossing your arms in a defensive, super protective posture.

"Don't be mad at me, I really want to ask her to be my girl, I really like her,"

You stared at hoseok.

"aaaaaaaaaaaan I knew, my couple, always supported you two" you said going to him to kiss his cheek and give a hug.

"liar," he said in a humorless voice.

You laughed and went back to your place.

"Look, I give every support since you two are in the same boat, no one needs to get hurt in this story."

"I agree" hoseok then took the glass and taking another sip of his hot drink, he winked at you who smiled.


You were walking to your next class when you saw yoongi in his locker. your heart speeded up automatically, but not by the feelings you once had, but by the story you had heard.

"Hi..." you said slowly approaching. you leaned against the side locker and waited for him to look at you.

"Hi." He sounded tired.

"it's true?" your voice came out softer than you expected, you didn't know how he was reacting to it all, but you wanted to be there for him, after all he had been an important part of your life.

"The rumors that I've impregnated a girl?yeah, It's true" he said quietly, but in a defensive tone.

"I'm not here to judge you, or say what you could have done, it's already happened, what I want to know now is, how are you?" you pressed your backpack against your body.

yoongi finally looked at you, and you could see the weariness in his eyes. Yoongi took a deep breath.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" he asked and you nodded.


Sitting on the campus grass side by side, finally after a long silence, yoongi decided to speak.

"I met her 5 months ago, at some random party, we got on pretty soon, she's older, she's graduating from law school and she's really cool, smart, but ... but I I don't love her." his voice shuddered.

"You know, may sound ridiculous, but I had a plan for my life, to graduate, to work and then to find someone, and then to have a family, but it seems that life doesn't follow plans."

you reached out and yoongi's hand, you squeezed it tightly, as if he needed it the touch. he held the cry, so the pauses between his lines were long.

"I know I wobbled, I put my condom in my wallet, everyone told me that condom is not stored in the wallet, because it rips, and I never took it seriously, well, now I take it" he gave a bitter smile, as if it was funny his despair.

"My parents fought a lot with me, but they said that after all who will suffer the most is her, and I have to be there for her, regardless of whether or not we are together."

"I agree," you finally said, "now the responsibility is of the two of you."

yoongi nodded. And finally a tear ran down the corner of his eyes.

"I have money, that's not the problem, it's just my feelings were confusing. But thank you, moon, you were the only person who asked me how I was."

you let go of his hand and gave him a hug, strong and tight.

"I'm here yoongi, whatever you need"

you parted and looked at each other.

"I thought that in the end I would stay with you, but I'm glad to see you the way you are, jungkook does very well for you."

"and jimin too" you said and then cleared your throat.


"Yes, jimin too, we three are in a relationship."

"the life I asked God for," he said, smiling, and the two of you began to laugh relieving the mood.


A / n: sorry for the tense mood, but I needed to give an explanation for all this, but there will still be more tension ok people? end of book is like this ...

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