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Chapter 55:

Back in college, the routine had settled again, your father was happy with the new life, your boyfriends were happy with you and you with them.

The year was ending and your first year in that college was over.

You were sitting under a tree, taking advantage of the shade to study, when some boys from the football team passed.

They made a point of walking with the team jacket up and down, impossible not to notice.

"I want him to leave the team," one of the boys said on the phone. He was big and muscular, "jimin leaves and I enter"

By the time you heard your boyfriend's name in that guy's mouth, you knew instantly that he was part of the assholes who were plotting to get rid of jimin.

You got up and went to him, your anger was such that you didn't even notice yourself getting up.

"Hey, you!" you yelled to get the boy's attention. He turned slowly still with the cell phone in his ear.

"I have to go" he said, and hung up. "Are you talking to me?" He said in an superior tone.

At the same time you felt that you had to answer in the same tone.

"See anybody else here?"

He looked around, and really only had you two.

"I heard you talking about my boyfriend."

He raised one eyebrow "jimin?"

He grinned cynically.

Looking at him was already getting on your nerves, jimin crying over idiots like him.

"Yes, he, you don't have talent and you want to get into the shoes of others, guess what my love, you will not be chosen," you said approaching him.

"And you understand something about football, Little bitch?"

You smiled and folded your arms.

"Anyone with a bit of brain may realize that you're just ridiculous at this level to make up for the tiny size of your dick."

The surprise passed quickly through his face and soon gave way to anger, you had hit his spot. He soon came stomping toward you.

"You'll regret saying ..." just as he got closer, he fell.

And behind him was irene, holding a pan.

"Lucky me I was just leaving cooking class now"

You looked at his fallen body, still breathing thanks to god is a woman.

"My Gosh, I think I killed him," Irene said, her eyes wide. "I saw him going towards you with so much anger, and I despaired." She still said with the pan up.

"Naa, he's still breathing. But I kind of think we'd better get out of here."

"yep, Run!"

You two looked at each other and started to walk away from the asshole.


"Thank you for helping me" you took a sip of the drink you had bought, you and irene had run to the coffeeshop after that whole mess.

"No problem, I kind of learned that there is already a lot of man against us women, we don't have to be against each other either"

She smiled and you too.

"Sorority," you said.

"Sorority," she replied and took a sip of the iced coffee she held.

"Today the boys are making a little game for the sponsors, I wasn't because they said I would make them nervous, but who knows how to see hidden?"

Irene nodded and followed you into the field.

"So, are you dating jimin and jungkook? You know, the news is flying here"

"Yes I am"

"Wow, teach me."

You started laughing at her comment.

From afar you could see the boys playing, they seemed to be at the end already.

And then the last whistle was given, your eyes always on jungkook and jimin. The two sweating out of the field going toward the shower.

"Do you want me to wait with you?" Irene asked.

"No need, I'll find them"

"Okay, if anything happens, screams," she said and turned to walk away.

You decided to get closer to the exit of the locker room. You didn't see them coming in, but saw them out, men in suits and with expensive jewels.

Lying on the wall, you waited for them to pass.

"Hi" a serious voice took you out of your thoughts, it was jungkook accompanied by jimin.

"Hi. Who were those?" You looked down the hall making sure they had already gone.

"Sponsors." jungkook replied.

He and jimin were still wet, but now with water and no more sweat. Facing those two with wet hair and blouses sticking against their bodies, it required your utmost resistance not to jump over them.

"They liked me and jimin," he said in a serious tone.

"That's great, that's incredible," you said excitedly, but the boys were still serious.

"Jimin" jungkook called him to speak.

Jimin moved closer to you both, he was looking down.

"Hm... they really liked both of us, but they're different companies, one wants jungkook and one wants me."

"Yes ..." You encouraged him to continue.

He finally looked into your eyes.

"If I accept their proposal, I will have to move to another college, I will have to move from this city, and this opportunity is incredible, the chance of my life"

"so??" You asked still shocked by what he had said, your heart pounding so hard you heard it in your ear.

"And I don't know what to do, because I love you both very much, but what if this is my chance to be one of the best players?"

You didn't know what to say, no matter what you wanted, the choice should be jimin's.

"Jungkook will stay here, with you." jimin said as if it were a kind of comfort.

You nodded and felt the tears burn in your eyes.

Everything was from 0 to 100, you needed to get out of there fast.

And that's what you did.

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