Finally [+18]

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A/N: I already warn you that this chapter have explicit verbiage, if you do not like do not read, I promise you will not make a difference. 


Chapter 18:

you and jungkook exchanged glances as your hands tore at his clothes. he bit his lower lip, anxious he couldn't wait to be inside you.

his warm body leaning against yours was pure pleasure, your legs clinging to his waist, he pressed his growing erection against the middle of your legs, one of his hands played with your nipple.

you moaned against his mouth.

"you are so hot babe" he said.

Jungkook took off his own briefs and hurried to take off your panties, his hand strode down the path to your wet pussy.

"I need to make you more prepared to receive me." He made gentle movements on your clit as he whispered in your ear.

Your head was a thousand ... wishing him more and more.

Jungkook kissed your neck when he stuck a finger in you. you gasped, and gripped his shoulders tightly, feeling him move his finger inside you, it was a strange but good feeling,

so good ...

Jungkook went down a bit and put his warm and wet mouth on your nipple, he licked and bit slowly, playing with your body.

it was your first time so he didn't want to do anything crazy, just the good and old sex.

so he took the condom that he always had waiting for him in the pocket of his pants.

slowly he began to masturbate you with the head of his dick, causing sensations that you could not even describe.

you were getting wetter, perfect for him to get inside you, slowly he put the dick in your middle and forced to enter.

the pain was enormous but bearable. you grabbed his shoulders and squeezed, closed your eyes and concentrated not to cry.

jungkook kissed you to make you relax, and distracted by the kiss you didn't even feel pain when he shoved the rest into you. stretching you slowly, shaping up to him.

"Aaah, you're tighter than I imagined." Jungkook controlled himself for not cum yet. your pussy gripped him in a difficult way to resist.

he started to move and you were relaxing, when you least expect you two come into a perfect rhythm, in which you two are crazy with pleasure.

"I want to stay on top" you said.

Jungkook smiled remembering the phone conversation you both had. "You haven't been a good girl to let you in control"

"Please..." you moaned with your eyes closed, amused by the feel of him inside you.

in a swift movement jungkook sat down and brought you to sit on his lap, and now you controlled the pace as you bounced on his dick, leaving him wet with your lubrication. It was all so erotic, so new and good, you didn't want to stop.

Jungkook grabbed your butt tightly, his eyes closed and his mouth open, feeling you squeeze his dick.

and near the climax, you two accelerated the rhythm so that you could cum together.

Your boobs swinging with his movements, jungkook was mesmerized with you, you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen naked.

"I can't take it any more jungkook"

"Cum for me babe" he said in a low tone, his voice hoarse with pleasure.

and with the permission, you didn't hold on and felt your first orgasm in sex, it was as if you were feeling a cold in the belly when the roller coaster falls.

a thousand butterflies in your stomach, your liquids dripping down his dick.

you focused on the face of the boy in front of you and realized he was close too, and not stopping to move even after your orgasm, you continued until jungkook came.

Jungkook pressed you against his body and released everything. The sensation was amazing.

Your bodies fell tired in bed.

"You see, I wasn't that bad in control" you teased. turning your face to see his reaction. Jungkook gave a slight smile and looked back.

"You were the best!"

You smiled dumbly, you knew he was talking just to please you.

"I'm serious." he said as if he could read your thoughts. "There's only one problem..."

"what?" you asked worried.

"We have to get away fast from here"


"I think we're in yoongi's parent's room"

You laugh.

"So we better get out of here before he finds out" you said gettibg up from the bed and picking your clothes.

Wassup wassup people, isn't hot in here? Maybe it's just me gettin closer from the hell. Well i don't regret nothing. Brig me some holly water pleaseKisses from hell!

  Kisses from hell!

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