Oh my god

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Chapter 15:

you opened your school locker and a lot of paperwork punctured along with a horrible smell, came out from inside.

irene, yeah so mature...

she'd been filling you up for a week. This time she had left a message.

jungkook is my, your whore.  you think that you're popular just because he's fucking you?

she hardly knew he was far from doing this to me. hoseok already knew about the ritual and helped you clean your locker. "thank you hobi" you smiled at him. "I'm sorry that this is happening to you" he said and you shrugged, that didn't really irritate you.

"you and jungkook, I heard that you two are spending too much time locked in his room." your eyes widened and you blushed at the same time.

"er-er, it's no big deal he's just teaching me some things". hoseok looked at you with a funny look. "things... related to sex?" you threw the rest of the papers in the trash and turned to him. "If you want to know, I'm still a virgin."

"I understood ... I think he likes you. He lives rambling but we all know he's thinking of you."

"He's thinking of me having sex with him" you said and hoseok laughed. "True" you two went out of school. "No one is in love here hobi, so relax."

"Okay, I just don't want you to get hurt." you were walking the way to your house, the day was cold and gray. "But this isn't part of the life, getting hurt?" you asked, he smiled and nodded.

"maybe" he said.


[next day]

You finally accepted yoongi's request and went to his house.

And what a house, you didn't know that he was so rich, was even uncomfortable to see.

You rang the bell and waited. Yoongi opened the door. 

"Oh" you said in surprise. "Did you dye your hair?" you said. 

Yoongi now had black hair.

"I wanted to change" he said, running his hand through his hair. "Come in" he pulled you by the wrist into his house.

The living room was huge, elegant and very expensive, yoongi showed you the house, he looked comfortable near you, but you were dying of shame to be next to him.

It wasn't as if you knew what you were doing there; no one knew you were there, it was strange how you had changed from an unknown girl to a popular one in one month, and how you had become more confident in some aspects.

so many changes ...

Somehow you were better prepared for college, more mature. Yoongi interrupted yours philosophical thoughts.

You were in the kitchen. He took a glass of juice for you and approached.

"How about we go down to the backyard and sit outside?" yoongi asked leading you to the green grass that reflected the sun, the day was warm and pleasant, you two sat on the grass.

"I'm thinking of calling some people to a pool party before my parents come back for my graduation" Yoongi said closing his eyes and feeling the sun reaching his face.

"Sounds nice ..." you said absently.

 "You know what else would be nice?" He asked now looking at you, you stared at him as he sat closer to you. "me and you ..." he approached and you stood in shock as he got closer to your face.

"I heard you have a crush on me" he said with a confident almost cocky smirk. you ran out of reaction.


without having more time to freak, Yoongi took your mouth in his, slowly but harsh, a kiss full of desire, no romance, which made you think that adolescence is sometimes a bottomless pit of desire.

You laughed against his mouth with that thought. 

"What?" He pulled away with a smile on his lips as well. You just shook your head and pulled him back into the kiss.

he led you to sit on his lap, and so you continued to kiss.

his hands holding your waist, and your arms on his shoulders.

He pulled away from you and looked directly into your mouth. "Yeah, jungkook taught you right."

you backed up a little "What did you just say?" You looked at him in surprise

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you backed up a little "What did you just say?" You looked at him in surprise.

"He wasn't giving you some lessons?"

Yes, but it wasn't for anyone to know.

You felt frustrated, made an idiot, you don't know what Jungkook was talking about you behind your back.

You took a deep breath.

I'm not going to freak out with this ...

yoongi looked at you confused.

"I need to go" You said leaving his lap and house in a hurry, your heart was racing. you felt your blood coold.

Is that why I got so popular? Is that why the boys are asking me out? so they think I'm going to have sex with them?

Not that I owe anything to anyone, I just didn't want people to be my friends because they want have sex with me.

Shit jungkook.



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