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Chapter 51:

El was excited with everything, she spoke a lot, always positive and an excellent student, always taking the best grades.

El is sweet and cute, sometimes too innocent, which made you think how her whole story with hoseok began.

"So how was your trip with the boys?" she asked, placing your suitcases next to your new bed.

She wasn't your roommate, but it was your neighbors two doors away.

"How do you know?" You sat on the bed and pulled off your socks.

"Hoseok," she said shyly, he probably had asked her not to comment with anyone.

Mental note, never tell a secret to El.

"It was good, many things happened, but I really want to know how this weekend has gone for you" you said.

El was a virgin, so you knew why she was so excited.

"Hoseok is amazing, he's so cute and sexy, he treated me like a queen." she lay down on the empty bed next to you, you didn't have a roommate for now.

"Ithurted like hell when it happened, I even blew it, but he was very cute and had all the patience with me, he knows I wanted to, and then I relaxed, the pain didn't go away, but I got to enjoy it."

You smiled, you were really happy for El, but also worried, hoseok wasn't the type that liked to date, you had never seen him steady with someone.

And El was a romantic one, she liked flowers and white horses, and losing her virginity certainly meant something very big that hoseok will have to deal with and take responsibility for.

But you'd talk to him later.

"El, I'm really happy for you, but I'd like to take a shower and relax now"

"Oh sure, I'll call you later, okay?"

El got up and headed for the door.

"Thank you for helping me with everything here El," you said and she nodded.

your head was at the meeting your dad would have with your boyfriends, not to mention the surprise he had.

Your head was starting to ache, you rolled in frustrated over the bed.

I need my boyfriends.


"What do you think of the three of us going out to the movies and then having dinner?" Jimin suggested on the phone.

The three of you were on a Skype call.

"Sure grandpa and then you would like to play chess?" Jungkook joked and you laughed.

"Ha-ha," jimin said without humor.

"Why don't we go to the basketball game today?" Jungkook suggested.

"How about we put the two together? we go to the game and then we go out to dinner, and later we see a movie together, here in my room" you suggested.

"Sounds like a good plan," jimin said.

"Of course it is, it came out of my mouth." You joked.

"Your mouth only does wonderful things." Jungkook said and jimin burst into laughter at the audacity of the boy.

"Good thing you know," you answered. "I'll take a shower and meet you shortly in front of the coffee shop," you said.

"Wait for me, i  want to shower with you," jimin said.

"Bye jimin!" you laughed and hung up.


You were waiting jungkook and jimin in front of the college cafeteria, it was Sunday night and the people were out of their dorms.

everyone with their different groups of friends. The night was perfect, neither too hot nor too cold.

"Where are they?" You talked to yourself looking around.

A group of girls and boys approached walking to the cafeteria door. They laughed and talked without stopping.

"Did you hear about yoongi?" One of the girls asked.

your ears paid attention immediately.

"I heard, it's good that it wasn't me." One of the boys wearing the soccer team jacket said.

"What? I don't know what happened." one of the other girls who accompanied said, and you felt grateful, because you wanted to know too.

"He impregnated a girl."

"What??" One of the girls said surprise. you were paralyzed, you couldn't be listening properly.

"Yes, and there are rumors he asked her to abort, but she refused. I don't know who she is, it seems she's not from here and..." the girl's speech was cut off when they finally entered the coffee shop.

your eyes were wide and your body was petrified.

Yoongi? What did you do?

At the same time interrupting your thoughts, jimin and jungkook arrived.

They greet you with a kiss on the cheeks. You were still in shock when you started walking with the boys.

"Shall we go holding hands?" Jimin joked and smiled.

"Not here jimin, stop" jungkook said seriously.

Jimin looked away unsteadily. And he put his hands inside his coat.

You didn't pay attention to what was happening, you didn't realize what was happening around you, your heart was racing, it was very surreal that this was happening.

So much time without knowing of yoongi, that you didn't think like how he could be. And apparently no one on the BTS team knew too.

"Guys, did you hear about yoongi?" You walked between Jungkook and Jimin, walking slowly to the car.

"No, what happened?" Jungkook asked and as you walked toward jimin's car, you told them everything.

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