Take care of you [+18]

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Chapter 53:

You had just left the dance training, you and your group will perform along with the soccer team in the final of the championship, as if you were cheerleaders, but no.

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Arriving super sweaty in your new dorm, you ripped off your clothes and headed straight for the shower. Thanking god for not having any roommate that would ruin your peace.

All you needed to relax was hot water running down your body and wiping you from all that sweat.


After being clean and dry, you left the bath and were surprised when you saw jimin on your bed, he was almost lying down with his hands covering his face, he looked tired and annoyed.

You wrapped yourself in the towel, your hair still dripping, you went to him.

"Jimin, is everything alright?" You sat next to him in bed. jimin inhaled strongly as if he was gathering strength to talk about something.

"More or less, there are rumors that I'll be left out of the next game, the final." he still had both arms crossed over his face, only his mouth was exposed.

"why?" You asked really worried, you knew how important it was to him and his career.

"Because they say gay people can't play football." the pain in his voice was stamped, a little shaky, you could swear he held himself so he wouldn't cry.

"My God, this is an absurd, who said that?" your voice now altered by anger.

"Some training assholes, they're trying so hard to get me out of the team." Jimin took his arms off his face and looked directly at you, his eyes were full with sadness.

"I'm not gay, I'm bi, not that there's something wrong in being gay, but I also like to suck pussy and suck dick, to penetrate and be penetrated." he said trying to be funny but obviously had no humor in his voice.

You could not help smiling at this comment.

"Right, and the coach said something?"

"He said they can't do this to me, but that makes bad for the brands all these fights, few players are assumed, and people think that bisexuality is a joke."

You sighed sadly, because you knew it was true, people thought that away.

"I'm sorry"

Jimin looked away, he stared at the wall behind you.

"Yeah, it happens," he said in resignation.

"I'll help you with that, don't worry, I don't know how, but I will."

jimin gave a sad smile and looked at you, he placed a hand on your cheek caressing with his finger passing over your mouth.

"Now just relax," you said, slipping your hand over his belly over the thin gray shirt he wore.

Jimin shivered at your slightest touch and you enjoyed the reaction.

"Mmm," he groaned as your hands went down the fabric of his shirt, coming in contact with the warm skin in his defined abdomen.

"Thank you for taking cara of me." He said in a hoarse, low voice.

 you wanted him to feel happier, or at least a little better.

Slowly you leaned in and reached up to his exposed neck, your lips pressed lightly against his skin, enough for him to shiver and you felt against your lips.

"Moon," he whispered, letting the air escape his lips.

You continued to kiss his neck slowly, putting in one kiss at a time, taking your time and enjoying the scent he exuded.

jimin put his hands on your waist and you put one leg on each side of him, leading to his lap, you still had your face buried in his neck.

Jimin reached the edge of your towel and slipped his hands underneath it, fingers trailing your thigh and rising up to your ass, which he squeezed tightly.

you bit and gave light hickeys to his skin, not enough to leave marks, but enough to pluck sighs from him.

your parts directly exposed against his sweatpants, you were looking for friction, you needed to feel him in you.

you rested your hands on his chest and forced yourself down.

 jimin stuck a hand in your hair and guided your head to his mouth, "I need to feel you, now," he said against your ear.

Jimin forced the towel sideways until it fell from your body, leaving you now completely naked, which was a sight of paradise to him.

Jimin felt his dick throb as soon as your nipples, which were hard, appeared to him, Jimin's mouth came in contact with your breast, his tongue making circular motions.

one of his hands went to the middle of your  legs, feeling how wet you were. He ran his finger into your pussy and slowly forced the middle finger into you.

you closed your eyes and felt him penetrate you, jimin curled his finger and began to move it, massaging you inside, the feeling was incredible as always. Jimin put his thumb on your clit and you exploded in madness.

Making light, slow, circular movements, he carried you into ecstasy.

your body shook and shivered, jimin loosened your hair and pulled you by the waist, your body now closer to his, making it easier for him to dominate your mouth, and deepen a kiss that made you more aroused.

"jimin ..." your voice came out as a whisper against his lips.

Jimin stuck his finger deeper inside you.

you wanted to suck him, wanted to feel him in your mouth, wanted him inside you.

and then, the door opened at once.

"Look, I don't know about you, but ... OH MY FUCKING GOD!"

You and jimin stared at the door in surprise.

"HOSEOK !!!!"

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