Cherry [+16]

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Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

You were already in the third shot of tequila and the second glass of beer. It might not be a good idea to mix drinks, but who has good ideas at parties?

You danced all excited and people around cheered for you, they formed a wheel and began to scream your name, the sensation was good, you felt alive.

Jungkook knew he should have fun but he could only think of you without clothes. He shook his head in amazement at these thoughts and reached the girl closest to him, he must release all sexual tension with someone else.

"Hey jungkook" hoseok yelled at his friend to listen. "Did you see moon?"

Jungkook shrugged "she was near here" he shouted back, holding the waist of an unknown woman who was about to have the best night of her life.

Hoseok nodded and came back through the crowd to look for you. After all, you were new to these things, and you would do some type of shit for sure.


You were leaning against the wall in the corner of Irene's giant livingroom. You needed air, so you walked away from where everyone was dancing.

On your side was a huge couch with couples picking themselves up madly, as if they were going to die tomorrow. You smiled at the thought that you would find it disgusting if you were not jealous.

You had gotten lost from the boys, the alcohol was doing his magic, your head was spinning but not much, just enough to make you happy, but your mouth was numb and your body was warm.

Damn tequila.

"Lost?" Yoongi interrupted your thoughts. You looked at him, he was with a glass of beer in his hand and then He approached you.

he came up to you, touching his nose against your cheek. You closed your eyes feeling his hand touch yours lightly, as if asking permission to hold your fingers.

You took his hand and felt him smile against your cheek. Suddenly you felt a heat from another body from your other side, you turned to look and it was jimin.

"Hi ..." he whispered in your ear. Jimin also took your hand. your neck was free for yoongi as you staked it centered on jimin's fleshy lips.

Yoongi sucked your neck, leaving light purple marks along the way. Jimin and you fought for dominance with yourr tongues, his hand now at your waist.

One of Yoongi's arms crossed to reach the other side of your waist, they arms were crossed over you, the boys now with their bodies glued to yours.

You freed yourself from jimin's mouth to breathe, but it didn't last long as yoongi turned your face to meet with his mouth. Jimin's free hand was now underneath your sweater walking around your back.

You noticed they were holding hands. Jimin giving slight bites on your shoulder. your heart was racing, it was the purest adrenaline you'd ever felt.

Yoongi bit your mouth causing a small pain, a good pain. "I said I would do it for you kitten." his mouth tasted a mix of beer and cherry gum. Incidentally jimin also tasted like cherry, almost as if the two had shared the same candy.

Yoongi placed one of your free hands over his erection and jimin did the same with your other free hand. You felt that you were getting more and more horny and wet.

Jimin grabbed your ass and yoongi rubbed his hand on your pussy over your shorts and made you moan against his mouth. You stopped kissing him to get some air, your head turned and for a moment you remembered that you were in a place where everyone could see you.

No one seemed sober enough to care, but you felt too exposed and flinched in the middle of the two.

"Guys..." you said breathlessly. "People will look." They were still kissing you, ignoring your warning.

"Do you want to go to a bedroom babe?" Jimin asked and then bit your ear.

Jimin looked at yoongi who met jimin's look, the mood was pure sex, you swore that the two would kiss; if it weren't for hobi that found you at that right (or wrong) moment, interrupting everything.

"Moon, are you okay?" He took you from the middle of the boys. He chose to ignore the situation, he wasn't your father to give you a sermon.

your body was still seething with desire for the two who were staring at you. Hoseok took you outside the house. You felt the cold wind on your face but it didn't ease the warmth you felt.

At that moment only one thing was going to help ...

"Hobi take me home ... I want to masturbate myself."

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