chapter 58

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August 16,1977

Melissa P.O.V

The day seemed diffrent, it was quite cloudy for Tennessee. Far from normal for the Tennessee summer's. Elvis slept most of the day, he had a show later on in the evening.

I folded some close in our room, keeping an eye close on him. Something just didnt seem right today. I dont know what.

"Whats bothering you, baby." Elvis wrapped his arms from behind me. I stuffed his pants i had in his pant drawer.

"Nothin." I sighed. I faced him giving a peck on the cheek. He cupped my cheeks kissing me longley.

After that i went down stairs to check up on summer. My 7 year old leaped around the grounds of graceland wearing her pink flowerly dress her daddy got her.

I smiled holding my cup of coffee, I felt a presence around and i knew who it was.

"What Red."My smile dropped, when i seen his Red hair from my peripheral.

"I just stopped by, Wannted to see you." He shrugged his shoulders. "She's beautiful." He mentioned my daughter.

I could agree on that, she looked just like her daddy.

"She is, isn't she." I smield wide. My focus on her.

"I.... I dont know what to say. " Red mumbled. This was the first time he was actually quiet.

I looked down at my painted red nails, unsure of my self. A single tear fell.

"Red..." I looked back. He was heading for the door.

"I'll be back." He smiled. "I always come back"


Hours passed, and Elvis hasn't came down from our room, worry and anxiety took over me. I hurried up the stairs and didnt see Elvis

"ELVIS!" I called out..... Nothing. Panic took over me. The only place i thought of is the bathroom.

I opened the door and stepped on something squishy, I looked and I almost passed out because of the site in front of me.

Elvis pale, blue. And not breathing. Laying on the floor, I screamed a painful scream and laned on his chest. Sobbing.

"Elvis!! Elvis!!! No! Please no!!" I sobbed. I took his face in my hands, and laied his head on my lap.

"Please!!!!!! HELP" I sobbed. Rocking back and forth, Tears flowed my eyes landing on Elvis's lifeless body.

"Melissa whats the -" Vernon came rushing in a panic. He stopped mid sentence seeing his son.

"No,no,no" He ran a hand through his hair. Crying already.

My focus was on Elvis, I sobbed as i check his chest for a sign of life.... No heart beat. I cried even harder.

"V-Vernon"I stared at Elvis pale face.

"Darling, the ambulance his on there way. " He said from the thresshold.

"Dont tell Summer." I mumbled. I felt his hand on my back.

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