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Melissa P.O.V

We arrived at my fathers house I know my father isn't gonna like this

"Thank you Joe for all your help "I said as I got out

"Anytime Melissa call me if you need anything "he said opening my door

"I will"I said he smiled

I held summer close as I walked up the steps

Knock knock knock

"Melissa what brings you here?"he  said

"Can I come in"I said

"Sure where's Elvis I though he had a show?"he said

"Well you see he.... "I tried to say but I couldn't

"He what Melissa"pa said

I turned my head so he couldn't see me cry summer whipped my tears I smiled

"He took pills again I can't do this anymore for crying out loud summer doesn't even know who her father is she never gets to see him and when she dose it's only for a little while "I cried

There was a long silence

"I want daddy"summer said holding on to me

"I know baby I know you do"I said

"What are you gonna do now?"pa asked me

"honestly I don't know "I said

Elvis P.O.V

I paced back and forth not knowing what to do should I go to her or should I let her do what she wants

"E "I heard I turned around and it was Priscilla

"What are you doing here?"I asked her as she walked to me

"I came to see your show it was great! "she said

"Thanks "I mumbled 

"I hope I'm not  intruding"she said

"No no not at all"I said I scooted close to her

"I still have feelings for you "she said

"Why what's there to like about me?"I asked

"E your kind sweet loving romantic you have a great personality "she said.

With out thinking I kissed her and didn't stop until she pulled apart from me

"E "she whispered as we stopped

"Yes cilla "I said

"Do you still love me? "she asked

"I -I don't know yet"I said honestly

" You have a wife and a child "she said

"She's leaving me"I said with tears in my eyes

"oh Elvis "she hugged me

"Can you come home with me tonight? "I asked her

"I have to get back"she said

"Please "I said

"Okay I will"she gave in I kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand

Melissa P.O.V

Summer finally fell asleep after staying up a long time and Judy came to my room to talk to me

"You know you and Elvis have a great relationship "she said as she came in

I tucked summer into bed and kissed her forehead

"Yea but it's not going anywhere "I said

"Look everyone has problems in there relationship "she said

I looked at summer and all I saw was Elvis

"You need to think about what's right for summer she can't live without a father in her life"she said

"I know but she doesn't even see him when she's with him"I cried

"Why don't you and Elvis get a divorce then"she said

"I think that's the best idea"I said

"I hate to see you let go so easily"she said

"I can't do it no more Judy I can't "I said crying

"How about me and you go out "she said

"Judy you know I can't who's gonna watch summer?"I asked

"I'm sure Cindy would love to"she said with a smile

"Okay I'll go if it would make you happy"I said

"Yay!!"she said jumping up

"Shhhh if you wake summer up we won't be able to go"I said

She giggled like a little girl

Elvis P.O.V

"Elvis do you think we should do this"cilla asked As I kissed her chest

"only if you want to"I said

She nodded yes and kissed me as she climbed on top of me I took her shirt off and she kissed my neck slowly and I slipped in side of her I know mama would be disappointed in me

"E wants gonna happen when Melissa comes back home "she asked me

"we will worry about it when it happens "I tell her

She sighed as she got off of me

"So are you just using me now"she said getting her things

"No cilla I'm not I just don't know what's gonna happen "I said

"Elvis I can't hide forever "she said putting her shirt on

"I know but I.... I still love Melissa "I said

"I knew it! "she was about to leave

"Cilla I'm sorry "I said

"No Elvis your not because if you were you wouldn't have done this to me!"she snapped with tears rolling down her cheeks

"Cilla "I said

"No Elvis I'm going home"she said grabbing her bag and walking out Slamming the door shut

Melissa P.O.V

After me and Judy got ready there was a Knock on the door

"Priscilla? "I said opening the door

"I slept with Elvis "she said

"I don't care what he dose anymore"I said about to close the door

"He said he still loves you"she said with tears in her eyes

"Well he doesn't show it"I said Closing the door shut crying

"You ready to go?"Judy asked me

"yes I am"I said and smiled whipping my tears

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