chapter 4

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up with the smell of Bacon in the air, looking to my side seeing Elvis was nowhere to be seen. I sighed before slipping on my slippers and skipping down the steps to see Vernon with the morning paper.

"Morning Lissa, how'd you sleep? Vernon asked, before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good morning, I slept pretty good. Do you have any idea where Elvis is? He wasn't in bed this morning" I sighed picking at my red chipped nails.

"He's probly in the jungle room, doing who knows what. Vernon chuckled, nodding his way to the jungle room. Sure enough after I ate while talking to Vernon, we headed down stairs to see Elvis strumming his brand new guitar My daddy got him.

"Hi baby, What you doing down here?" I asked siting next to him, propping my feet on the coffee table.

"Just.... Thinking you know where that gets you. Elvis mumbled, I gazed over his eyes searching for somethin.

"how'd you sleep Elvis asked changing the subject.

"Well... Really well. "I replied, Stroking over the black shiny piece of hair that stood out.

"That's Good, well me and the Mafia have to go to the recording studio to record some songs but I told Red to stay and watch you. "Elvis said standing up

" I wanted to spend time with you today. "I frowned and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I know, but I have to work Elvis let loose of my arms. I did the puppy dog eyes they always work on him but not today

"Baby don't give me that look Elvis chuckled.

"Red is gonna stay have time with him get to know him more Elvis rolled his eyes and walked out before I had the chance to say anything .it was so lonely without him, it was diffrent not to see him here. But red kept me company

"Were you with Elvis when he was at Germany"I twiddled my yellow dress between my fingers.

"Most of the time but I like it back home way better "Red winked making me blush....Oh God What is He doing to me.

"Yeah It's always Good to come back home"I replied as calmly as I could.


"I'll get it "I told Red, running to get the phone.

"hello Elvis "some girl quickly said once I picked up the phone, my instincts kicked in immediately

"No this is Melissa Rowe and who might this be? "I asked

"this is Priscilla I was calling elvis back, he called an hour ago "she said

"Well he's not here and I'm his girlfriend."I replied

"elvis told me he didn't have a girlfriend back home"she said

I didn't know What to say so I hung up and kept a tear back.

"Hey, hey... What's wrong. "Red jumped to my side pulling me into his chest.

"Elvis had a girl in Germany, God my mother was Right. "I cried, clinging on to him.

"He's stupid you know, to cheat on you." Red looked down at me, wiping my cheeks that were now teared stained.

"I thought he wasn't like the others... I guess I was wrong." I sighed.

Red tilted my chin up too look up at him.

"Don't put yourself down because of him, he's not worth it." Red leaned down. I knew what he was trying to do and maybe I wanted it too since he picked me up from my parents but now as I starred at his lips I knew I couldn't control it.

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