chapter 25

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Elvis P.O.V

The next couple of days seemed like a blur too me, just in a few days i was getting married to the love of my life.

"baby were is my shirt??"I scattered around, throwing shirts out of my drawer.

"look in the hamper" she mumbled, strapping her heals on.

We had to leave in a hour for our dinner party, and we're still getting ready thanks to me.

"it's not in here!"I yelled, the clock was ticking by the minuet.

"look in your closet!"she yelled back pericing her erring's in.

I ran back to my closet and sure enough it was there I got dressed and we walked out I was holding her hand tight, making sure she was close to me near the crazed fans outside by our gates.

"ELVIS!!! "girls by Graceland screamed, waving there hands. some reached just to touch my cheek.

Some girl pulled my collar towards her, while her lips smashed onto mine. I pulled back before things got more heated. I knew Melissa was defiantly mad.

"baby , don't be mad at me I never did anything "I Shrugged, trying to touch her arm to pull her too me.

"Don't." she tugged her arm from me.

Melissa P.O.V

we arrived at the restaurant and of course there were fans Elvis again signed autographs like he always dose and we headed in side after a couple of minutes.

"sorry we're later everyone "Elvis said as we walked to our table.

"it's fine your aloud to be late. "Rose rolled her eyes, looking in my direction. for some reason she isnt too found of Elvis

Elvis tried to push my chair out for me but i denied him and did it myself, I still didn't foreget about what he did.

"Elvis had to sign autographs"I rolled my eyes as he sat right next to me. obvious he was pissed at me too

"Baby that's my job"Elvis said, Waving over a waiter

"yeah but it's not your job to kiss fans "I replied, turing my back away from him. He wouldn't like it if i kissed someone right in front of him.

"she kissed me!"he Pleaded in defense, I knew he does that all the time to his fans. and he could have easily pushed her away.

"let's just talk about this later"I whispered, Too tired to fight with him. he agreed as well.

we ate and chatted for a long time and it was time to go I was about to go into the limo but mom pulled me away from Elvis.

"where do you think your going "mom smiled, pulling me too her car.

"home with Elvis "I said then started walking back to the limo

"that's not traditional you can't be with you groom before the day of the wedding day  "ma said and pulled me to her sideElvis came out of the limo when he noticed I haven't been in the limo yet.

"what's going on?"he asked me, with a puzzled look between me and my mom.

"mom said I can't go home with you"I frowned looking up at him.

"what?" He questioned.

"come on now your staying at my house "mom said grabbing me once more before tugging me away

"I love you Elvis! "I yelled

"I love you more baby! "he yelled back as ma pulled me into her car

"I already miss him"I whispered to myself

"oh Melissa you'll live it's only 24 hours" mom said

we arrived at ma's house and we all piled out

"well goodnight ma"I said walking up stairs

"night baby sleep tight"she said and blew me a kiss

I did my night routine and I tried to call Elvis but he wasn't home yet I also tried to sleep but I had to much on my mind and I was so nervous for the wedding tomorrow

authors note

sorry about this chapter it was just a filler, I didn't really know where I was going with this :)

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