chapter 15

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Melissa P.O.V.
My head was spining all day from confusion and hurt, but I had to pull on a brave face my because today we had to see my parents which I pry Elvis won't say anything stupid.

"Lissa...."Elvis turned the bathroom corner, dressed in slacks and a button dress shirt.

"Don't Elvis, just go to the car." I sighed turning my back towards him.

"Please let me explain."Elvis sighed.

"Explain, what Elvis? That you cheated on me." I whispered painfully not wanting to look near him.

"Lissa...." Elvis begged.

"No, Elvis... Lets just put on a brave face for my parents and get this over with." I rolled my eyes, Moving past him to grab my handbag.

~ ~ ~

Elvis tried to hold my hand multiple times in the car, but I wasn't gonna let him have it. Red was wrong for saying that about Elvis, But Elvis was also Wrong for cheating on me multiple times.

"Don't say anything stupid." I mumbled, He held his hand out for me to take but I denieded it as I got out the car.

Elvis hung his head low, following behind me.

"Lissa!!!!!! oh God, did I miss you!"Mother opened the door, She smiled brightly tugging my arm in side.

"I missed you."A tear fell down, as I clung onto her tightly.

"Elvis." Daddy entered, His grey hair was replaced with light Brown hair. He seemed younger.

"Mr. Rowe." Elvis nodded his way, the tension was thick in the air.

"Well.... Shall we all sit?"Mother, pulled my hand towards the couch.

Elvis sat next to me, slinging his arm around my shoulder. I have him a hard glare before he put his arm back in his lap.

Daddy cleared his throat "So what brings you two over here?"

"Well Me and Melissa have some News."Elvis started, giving me a glace.
I nodded letting him know we should tell them. "Me and Elvis are.... Engaged." I finished.

I waited patiently for there awnser.

"Well that's great baby!!" Mom hugged me harder that before.

"Congratulations." Daddy gave Elvis a manly hug.

"You aren't mad are you?" I asked, Mom.

"Mad? Why on earth would I be mad."Mom laughed, tugging me to her side.

~ ~ ~

We said our goodbyes, then headed back to graceland. It was hard to leave home yet agian. Especially when Me and Elvis aren't on good terms.

"Lissa please talk to me, you've ignore me all day."Elvis faced me once the engine was off.

"Whats there to say to you?" I faced the widow looking as the rain dropped.

"I-I don't know what I was thinking when I cheated multiple times. I was stupid and I guess if I married you I would stop."Elvis Replied, his hands rubbed nervously against his knees.

"It hurt's Elvis, the pain. I suffered too many times." I faced him, tears running down my face.

I know I cheated and if I told him it would break his heart too But I only did it because he did and it hurt me too much just to sit around and cry about it like I am now.

"Baby, I promise this marriage is good for us. I won't cheat ever agian, Hell I won't even look at another woman."Elvis promises holding my face firmly.

I knew this time he was promising me, And my heart belived him and maybe so should I.

"Promise." I Smiled.

"Promise."His lips sealed mine.

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