chapter 29

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Melissa P.O.V

Me and Elvis have been in the hospital day in and out, i stayed some days while he left to work or hang out at Graceland. I know he just wants me to feel comfortable with him but right now he's smuggling me and I can't breath with him

"Morning sugar "Daddy handed me my second cup of coffee today, I needed it.

"Morning Dad"I smiled, getting the mug from him. it gave me the energy I needed for today.

"Did you get any sleep?"I asked him, knowing the answer is no.

"I can't I've tried all I can think about is Beth." Daddy started to get teary eyed but quickly got over it.

"Dad, you need rest .I'll stay here" I offered, he needed to rest up after a long time of no sleeping.

" Are you sure? "he asked me, Grabbing his coat. giving me a concern look.

"Yes Dad I'll be fine, Elvis will be here with me"I said, knowing that will make the situation better.

"Okay, call me if anything goes wrong" Daddy kissed my cheek on the way out.

"Melissa "I heard someone call my name, Elvis walked my dad out so I know it couldn't be him.

I looked towards my mom who smiled weakly at me."mom your awake! "I said with happy tears rolling down my cheek, I got up and kissed her cheek.

"how long was I out..." She whispered, trying to sit up. I stopped her gently not wanting her to get up to fast.

"3 days straight..."I chocked up remembering how worried all of us were especially rose.

"My head hurts "she mumbled, Elvis tossed and turn besides me peeking one of his eyes open. "My mom's awake! "I smiled kissing his temple.

"that's great baby" Elvis replied, hugging me close.

"where's your father?" Mom asked me,  slowly getting up.

"He left he's been, here since you got here he hasn't slept in days" I told her, Dad needed to sleep it off he was so worried about mom.

"your father is a worry wort "mom said, I laughed so did Elvis. 

The monitor that was moniting her heart,  Started making beeping nosies more than usual. My mom keept trying to breath,  I screamed for help.  Elvis rushed out to look for a nurse and the last thing I remeber was my mom mouthing "I love you".

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