chapter 59

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Melissa P.O.V

I've never felt pain or suffering as much as I do right now, In this moment. I didnt move, I couldn't speak. I laied on Elvis's lifeless body unable to process what was going on.

"H-Honey..  Melissa" I heard Vernon's voice, weak and unstable. "They have to move him."

I slowly looked up from Elvis's beautiful face. His usual blue eyes shut.

Everyone was surrounding Vernon trying to comfort him. I couldnt look at anyone, i looked back down at Elvis.

"Lissa..." Red came behind me he touched my arm gently.

"IM NOT LEAVING."I sobbed.. I clung onto Elvis's shirt.

"But..but the paramedics are here. They need-"

" I aint leaving.." I whispered, tears flowed down my pale face. Looking as lifeless as Elvis.

Red gently lifted me up from Elvis, I screamed, kicked, and hit him. He took me outside of graceland.

I sobbed loudly, clinching onto his Shirt. I lost it, i couldnt breath.

"Shhhh...Shhh." Red rocked me back and forth as I  sobbed.

"R-Red, I can't go on... I cant." I sobbed.

He brushed my hair out of my face, Im sure I looked a mess.

"You can, and you will. I'll help you. Elvis would want you to. You need to for summer. She needs you." He Told me sterly.

"No.... Not without Elvis." I sobbed. He chupped my cheeks forcing me to look at him.

"Ill help you. You need someone here." He lightly smiled.

"But... All the things I did -"

He cut me off, by pressing a finger to my lips. "Shhh. I could care less."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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