chapter 19

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Melissa P.O.V

today was the day of the wedding rehearsal and Red was gonna be there I felt sick to my stomach, I didn't want Red to say anything stupid and mess this whole thing up for me. But I felt at easy with Elvis who stood by my side the whole time.

"Baby Are you Okay, you look a little sick. "Elvis kissed my forehead and pulled me close  we got out the car.

"Yeah....yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous "I mumbled as we approached the church . 

"If your like this on the rehearsal, I wonder how your going to act on the wedding day"Elvis chuckled, kissing my lips gently as we walked up the steps.

I took a quick glance in the church and seen Red, I held back my tears and clung onto Elvis.

"Elvis I can't do this"I Whispered.

" Don't worry everything is gonna be Okay "Elvis pulled me close, he kissed my nose then my jaw and back to my lips.

"you promise "I said as he held the door for me

"I promise "he replied, I smiled.

What he didn't know was I wasn't nervous about the wedding I was nervous about seeing Red again.

" Red, Buddie It's been a long time"Elvis said as Redd came up and Man hugged him

"Yeah it has I can't believe you and Melissa Are engaged "Red replied, he gave me a quick glance and a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"well until next Saturday "Elvis said and they Both laughed

Elvis walked away to see the rest of the Mafia and it was just me and Red

"Melissa I'm Happy for You "Red gave me a smile.

I hugged him but not for long because Elvis was looking.

"I miss you Red"I held back a tear.

"I know , I miss you "Red said but Elvis came back

"you ready for the rehears?"Elvis asked me , sneaking his arm around my waist.

"Yeah "I said Red winked at me when Elvis turned around I smiled

once we were done with rehearsals me and Elvis and the rest of the Mafia headed back to Graceland for a little party which got to out of hand .

"Red come on have a drink!" Elvis and the rest of the Mafia cheered Red on.

"No Man I can't I gotta drive back home " Red replied smiling at me.

"you can stay here come on"Elvis said handing him a beer .

"Okay Okay fine, just one."he said giving in to Elvis

Elvis and the Mafia headed down stairs and it was me and red it was a little awkward .

"um so did you find a wedding dress yet?"he asked , sipping his beer.

"do you really want to know Red."I rolled my eyes, about to go up stairs but he grabbed my arm

"yes I still care about you"he  sincerely said.

"well yes I did "I said.

"I bet you look beautiful in it"he smiled, I blushed

"Thank you "I said

"Elvis is a lucky guy and if he don't treat you right I swear-he said before I cut him off

"he will red don't get like that please"I said.

then he kissed me out of the blue I pulled back and slapped him on the face , I slapped him to many times. But I wasn't gonna let him get me.

"RED! "I said his Cheek's turned bring red

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it "he blushed. 

"I'm engaged! "I said holding up my ring finger

"I know , I know I don't know Why I did that "he mumbled running his hand through his hair. 

that kiss brought back feelings and I don't want that, I want Elvis he was always there for me. I ran to fine Elvis in the back yard shooting guns at cans like he always does .

"Hey baby "he said I kissed him with such passion and I can feel Red stare burning a hole through me.

"What was that for? "he asked

"I just love you and only you I want No one else"I said and he kissed me again

"I'm glad,that's Why were getting married"Elvis smiled kissing me deeply, i knew marrying him was the only way to forget bout Red.

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