chapter 10

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up and bullted down the stairs because there were constant ringing and knocking.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!!" I goraned, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Hey"Mom and Rose said in unison as soon as I opened the door.

"Why'd you come so early again?" I compained, shutting the door behind them.

"Well, good morning to you to." Mom have me a swift kiss on the cheek.

"We have a vacation remeber?" Rose, plopped down on the red velvet couch.

"Right and why do I have to go??" I questioned with a yawn, I looked at the clock that read 6:30 Am.

"Because, you need one. Plus it would be fun having a little girls time." Roselle smiled wide. I wish I had more joy in my life like she dose, she takes nothing for granted and has a care in the world.

"Okay, if you guys want me too." I sighed

~               ~                 ~                ~

"Were Are we going anyway ?"I asked, as we sat in the airplane seats.

"Vegas "Roselle flat out said.

"What Elvis is in Vegas right now doing a show "I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Oh were sorry we didn't know"Rose said, facing mom.

"We can change the trip"Mom replied

"No,No It's fine "I sighed, just my luck.

once we landed at Vegas from our flight mom  went to the Casino right away and so did me and rose was a fun time but I got a little drunk, through the night.

"Melissa Are you Okay? "Rose asked me, helping me up as we walked back to the hotel room.

"yeaaah "i giggled, touching her cheek.

"What's so funny? "Rose annoyingly asked.

"I don't know, Where's Red. He should be here. !!"I chuckle, opeing my hotel room.

"No Why would he be "she replied, helping me in.

"Because of what happen between us."I said, kicking my shoes off.

"What? Lissa what are you talking about?"Rose panicked.

"Shhhhh, Good night "I giggled, putting my finger to her lips.

Roselle P.O.V

I couldn't believe What Melissa said maybe it was the alcohol talking or maybe she really did something with  Red but how could she I like him but he broke my heart for another girl maybe the other girl was my sister?

The next morning my eyes were puffy from crying so hard the night before, why would Lissa lie to me about that? What about Elvis ? Oh God. I cant imagine the pain he would be in.

I quickly whiped my eyes, as I heard knocking from my door. I sighed as I looked in the peep hole, seeing Lissa.

Melissa P.O.V

"Morning." I mumbled, rubbing my head that pounede from the night before.

"Morning." Rose sniffled, she wouldn't look me in the eyes so I knew something was wrong.

"Whats the matter?" I question, She kept her distance while she paved back and forth.

"Red, He told me he liked another girl and he didn't wanna see me anymore." Rose cried.

My heart stopped at the name of Red, I tried to remember if I said anything stupid last night.

"And then you said you had something going with him." Rose sobbed, I tried to calm her down but she shrugged me off.

"Rose please, I was drink and it was the alcohol talking. Nothing happen with us I can insure you, ask Red himself." I tried to sound normal but my nerves were kicking in.

"Really? Rose whiped her cheeks, leaving them test strained.

"Yes, quit worrying Rose. I promise." I smiled, trying not to show my emotions.

Rose nodded, shaking her head. " I was stupid to think that."

"Yeah, Pretty stupid." I giggled, prying that she dosnt notice.

"Sooo,  were did Mom go last night"I said, trying to change the subject. 

"I hope to her room"Rose replied, Standing from the bed.

"Well I better get back to my room, I gotta get changed." hoping that she'll leave the Red and me thing alone.

~             ~              ~             ~

After I are breakfast, I headed in the shower to get ready. Moments after I for out there was ringing from the telephone .

I was dripping wet, practicly running to the phone while gripping the towel. 

"Hey there's my baby, are you having fun on your trip?" Elvis Said.

"Yeah so far, but we had a little complications.  guess were we Are"I smiled, twirling the phone cord.

"I hope everything's fine now."elvis said " And I don't know where, you tell me."

"Vegas! "I replied waiting to here his reaction.

"Baby, that's great. We could meet up later, I can take you to set" Elvis's whole deminer changed, His words seemed happy but he wasn't.

"Yeah I would love that I haven't seen you since forever. "I giggled, hoping to cheer him up.

"How bout' you come down to the hotel I'm at, and we can have a little fun before we go to set?"he Asked

"Elvis...." I blushed.

"I'll see you in a while." Elvis replied before he hung up.

I was a little nerves to meet Elvis, I worried if Red said anything to get back at me. My hands keept shaking the whole drive there .

I stood at the front of his door trying to colect my nerves, I took a deep breath and knock. Moments later Elvis opened the door.

"Lissa, I missed you so much!" Elvis held me tightly against him.

"I missed you too." I smiled,pulling back from him.

He gave me a deep, hard kiss. "Oh,my." I blushed.

"Hmm, aren't you gonna introduce me?" I heard behind Elvis.

I raised a brow as Elvis pulled me in his room. Right in front of my eyes was Ann margret, jealously suddenly took over me.

I glared at Elvis before giving my attention back on Ann. "Nice to meet to, I'm Melissa Rowe." I pressed my lips into a fine line and tried hard not to pull her fake Red hair out.

"Nice to meet you, you may already know who I am."Ann smirked proudly, I rolled my eyes turning towards Elvis who just stood there.

"Well..... Uh Ann could you leave us alone for a minute." Elvis gullped.

"Of couse." Ann struted past Elvis touching his chest as she walked out.

"What the help was that!!!" I yelled walking to where he stand.

"We were rehursing our lines, that's all. Not need to worry." Elvis calmly walked me back to his bed.

"No worrying? She was all over you!!" I replied, pushing him away from me.

"I just got you, and nobody else. Your mine and I'm yours." Elvis smiled, pulling me on his lap.

"I'm yours." I smiled as our lips got closer.

"And I'm yours." he smirked, smashing his lips on mine.

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