chapter 53

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Melissa P.O.V

for the next couple of weeks Elvis helped me move my stuff in Graceland and summer was starting school this week

"Daddy I don't want to got to school"summer wined Elvis crouched down to her level

"Well why not it's super fun "he tells her I smile

"It is? "She asked him he picked her up and sat her on his knee

"Yea trust me you'll have a blast you color sing and even take little naps"he says then tickles her she giggles

"Daddy can you take me"she ask him

"Of course my little baby "he said as she got off his knee

"Thank you daddy!"she says as she runs away

I shake my head as Elvis gets up I move over to the sink and wash dishes

"What did I do?"he asked me as he gets up and follows me

"Do you really think it's a great idea to go to a school with teachers who know who you are"I explain as I wash the dishes

"I just want to take her on the first day "he says as he wraps his arms around my waist

"Baby don't be mad"he says in a sexy deep southern accent

I smile as he kisses my neck slowly

"I've been think about having another child"he whispers

"E I don't know we were having trouble with summer what if the same thing happens again "I tell him he takes my hands

"It wont"he says with a grin and kisses the back of my hand

"You really want another child?"I ask him

"Yes plus summer will have someone to play with"Elvis said I give a second to think about it

"Okay your right E "I said he gets happy

"You mean it we can have another baby!"he says

"Yep "I say with a smile he kisses my face all around

"Oh Thank you Melissa! "He tells Me I smile as he walks out of the kitchen I smile and continue to clean the kitchen

Elvis P.O.V

She said yes I was so happy and maybe were can have a little boy

"E I'll be back"Melissa said to me as she got her purse

"Were you going?"I ask her

"To the hair salon I have a appointment "she tells me I kiss her cheek

"Be careful "I say she smiles

"Don't worry E"she said as she walked out the door

"Daddy"summer said coming up to me with a doll in her hand

"Yes baby?"I say walking to the couch

"Where do babies come from?"she ask me

Joe gave me a look and I shrugged

"Well summer when two people love each other very much they uh"I pause and look at Joe

"They make a baby"Joe said

"But how?"summer asked me

"Maybe when your older I'll tell you"I tell her I ruffle her hair

"Daddy "she wines making Me laugh

"Sorry little munchkin "I tell her she skips off

"Well that was awkward "Joe tells me then drank his beer

"Tell me about it "I say and roll my eyes

"Wonder why she wants to know now?"he asked me

"Well I was talking to Melissa about having another baby so maybe she over heard us"I explain

"We need to tell her how "he says

"She's to young I didn't know till fifth grade"I said

After about a hour Melissa came in the door

"Melissa?"I ask she walks in the sitting room her hair was just past her her shoulders and she died her hair jet black

"Yes E"she says as she sits in my lap and wraps her arms around my neck

"You look.... sexy "I try to say

"I knew you would like it"she whispers in my ear and kisses my neck

"I got you a little surprise later on tonight"she tells me in-between kisses

"I like the sound of that"I tell her she smiles and gets up I grab her hand

"mommy your back!"summer said running up to her she picks summer up

"You missed me"she said summer nodded and she kissed her forehead

"It's time for bed"Melissa said summer wined

"Mama can I stay up a little longer?"summer asked her Melissa shook her head no

"You need rest baby you got school tomorrow"she says as she walks up stairs to her room I follow and lean on the door frame

"Sleep tight baby"Melissa said and kissed her cheek as she tucked her in

"Night mama"summer said with a grin

"Night my baby"she says

I smile and walk over to summer

"Night sweet pea"I tell her and kiss her forehead gently

"Night daddy are you still taking me to school?"she asked me I smile

"Of course  baby"I tell her and kiss her cheek and walked out closing the door gently

Melissa P.O.V

I went to our bedroom and changed into a piece of lingerie I got for Elvis  I've never worn one before so it was different I was kind of nervous

"Melissa? "I heard Elvis say I breathed in and closed my eyes I opened the bathroom door and opened the door

"Melissa! "Elvis said getting you from the bed

"Do you like it?"I ask him his eyes not leaving my body he smiles wide

"Very "he says he walks closer to me I bit my lip he picks me up and kisses my neck as he laid me down on the bed I turn him over and kiss him as he takes my lingerie off he kisses me I take his shirt off and kiss his chest I heard him moan soon he his in side me and I feel the most happiest with him

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