chapter 34

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Melissa P.O.V

July 15 , 1967

"come on baby get in!"Elvis yelled from the pool with a smile on his face, laughter from his group of friends surround him.

I turned around to face him when Joe suddenly pushed me in. "You jackass!" I gasped up in the water for air, Elvis swims towards me with a smirk and guides me in his arms.

"oh, honey it's just a joke "Elvis whispered in my ear, I could tell from his voice he was smirking. I got goosebumps down my arms, I don't know if its his voice or this freezing water we're in.

"Well it's not for me "I playfully pushed him away from me, but swam towards him. he silence between us is nice, we haven't got a chance to actually Be happy or content.

"hey I got some new." Elvis wrapped his arms around me, letting my head rest on his shoulder. sighing in happiness.

"What is it?"I asked curiously, wondering what could make him so happy.

"Next year I'm going on tour again! "Elvis announced, I was speechless not in a good way. I mean i was happy for him but then again our relationship was rocky when he was on tour.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you! "I smiled, so he wouldn't suspect anything. He held me tight against him and kissed my forehead.

Me and Elvis keep on trying to have kids, but nothing seem to work I just hope and pry I can have kids I would love a little Elvis running around Graceland.

We got out of the pool and I dried my self and I felt Elvis eyes on me. Eyeing me down, i peeked over my shoulder and sure enough he was.

"Will you quit staring! "I laughed, throwing my towel at him.

"What if I don't want to?" He grabbed me by the hips, kissing my neck from behind.

I smiled, easing into him more.

"You dirty hound dog "I smirked, pulling away from him.

"Will you guys stop flirting! " Gene laughed from the bar stool, a cigar hung from his lips.

"What I can't help it "Elvis yelled back, pulling my hand towards the house

he just laughed and carried me up to our room he kicked the door opened and shut it with his foot and lied me on the bed slipped off my bathing suit and kissed my neck and I was transported me to Paradise the next day me and laid in bed till 12 .

"I don't want to get out "I said as Elvis held me close, our naked bodies covered by white sheets.

"Then we won't "he mumbled against my neck, brushing my hair from my face.

"We got to do something today"I said but when I looked down at him he was already sleeping.

I rolled my eyes and took a shower and walked down stairs, trying not to crawl back with Elvis.

"it's about time your awake "Joe smirked, emptying out his cigar trey.

"Yea you and Elvis been spending a lot  of time together " Gene said, playfully pushing me.

"I can't even sleep at night!" Vernon butted in, I covered my eyes from embarrassment.

I laughed with them and walked into the kitchen then I felt arms around me. speak of the devil.

"hey baby "I heard Elvis whisper, his hand creped lower and I swatted it.

"No, or we won't ever get out of that bed." I smiled backing away from him.

Elvis P.O.V

"let's ride horses "I suggested

"E I don't know how to ride"she said

"I'll teach you!"I said happily

she shook her head no

"come on baby it will be fun"I said

"Okay okay if it will make you happy " she said I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek and lead her out side with me.

we went to our horse stable and I got my horse buttercup and Melissa picked her a horse it was all black

I laughed as she tried to climb on

"will you help me "she asked desperately

I smiled and helped her on

"just follow me"I said

she nodded her head

we road until it turned dark

Melissa P.O.V

"that was amazing! "I said as we walked in Graceland

"I told you " he said I smiled and entwined my fingers with his 

"were did you guys go"Vern asked

"horse back riding "I said while smiling

"she didn't want to go but she liked it"Elvis said

"Elvis always makes people ride horses "Joe said

"well you guys enjoy it"Elvis said

it was dinner time and we said grace and ate then headed off to bed it was a long amazing day

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