Chapter 21

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Melissa P.O.V

I awoke with loud slamming, laughter and music.I bolted down the stairs finding Elvis and the ret of the guys in the jungle room.

"Elvis where in the hell have you been ?"I asked him, crossing my arms.

the Mafia all looked at me, Joe hit Red's arms making him stop laughing.

"Elvis!"I screeched.

he blankly looked at me.

"where have you been?"I asked him , getting fed up.

"Melissa, I took Elvis out "Red rolled his eyes.

I gave him a hard glare before speaking.

"why? "I asked

"Because I was worried about you"Elvis finally spoke up.

"really? "I smiled, I know I should be mad at him but that was actually sweet of him. I'm more mad at Red than Elvis now.

"yes I didn't know if you would be okay"Elvis stood from his chair making his way towards me.

"Elvis, you know I don't like when you go out"I whispered. he pulled me out the room so none of the guys would hear us.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry I didn't tell you" Elvis mumbled, kissing my neck.

"Elvis...'I giggled. he kissed up my neck towards my lips.

Elvis kissed me and he smiled though the kiss, pulling me into his chest.

"I like it when you're mad, it's sexy." Elvis whispered, lifting my night gown up.

"I love you more"

Elvis P.O.V

"I'm sorry E"Red came up to me later on that day, he looked a little bit sick.

"about?"I asked, raising my brow.

"when Melissa and you had a fight I told her to come to my house and she never went to her mother's"Red blurted out.

my chest heaved and I couldn't stand the thought of him with Melissa, it made me feel disgusted. I was so mad at Red even more mad at Melissa how could they , my best friend and my fiance.

I stormed out slamming the door behind I went to find Melissa . how could she just lie to me and give me crap when she did the exact same thing to me.

Melissa P.O.V

me and Patsy hung out in the jungle room catching up on some girl time when Elvis barged in making me jump.

"YOU LIED TO ME Melissa! " Elvis screamed, Patsy stood up walking towards the door.

"I leave you to alone"Pasty awkwardly left.

Elvis slammed the door and walked up to me

"Melissa YOU LIED"Elvis repeated, storming my way.

"I don't know what your talking about"I quickly stood up, he back me up against the wall.

"WHERE WERE YOU WHEN ME AND YOU HAD A FIGHT"Elvis screamed yet again, i was literally shaking everywhere.
I knew exactly what he was talking about.


"I Was with RED!" i sobbed uncontrollably.

"why"Elvis's voice had a hit of sadness.

I didn't say anything

"Melissa, I don't know if I can trust you "He pulled away from me, backing up.


"Don't you turn this on me, at lest I didn't mess around with MY best friend "he replied slamming the door after him.

After Elvis left i had to collect my thought's, why would Red say anything to Elvis in the first place. I needed to find Red and tell him off. i went to see Red outside and Elvis running towards him.

"ELVIS Stop!!!" i screamed, i ran towards him trying to pull him off of him.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! "Elvis, hit Red square in the jaw knocking him to the ground. Red i much tall than Red but Elvis has way mor strength than he dose. Red was about to stand up and swing but Joe pulled him back to the house.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!!"Elvis yelled, Joe struggled with Red trying to pull him out but Scotty helped him and carried Red out.

"Elvis, you didn't have to do that!"I cried. Elvis tried to get at me but Vernon held him by the arm's pulling him away from me.

"Come E, let's go in"Vernon pulled him inside.

"Let go of me,I can handel myself." Elvis mumbled to Vernon.

"No you can't, look at Lissa. she's shaking."Vernon waved towards me.
i stood by the front gates, tying to hold myself together.

Elvis glance towards me with sympathy in his eye's "Baby, baby I'm sorry." he tried to walk towards me but Vernon wasn't having it.

"Please.... let me go." Elvis pleaded towards Vernon. he shook his  head pulling him inside.

The tear's I held back the whole time, finally let go and they wouldn't stop. my mother picked me up later that night cradling me like I was a baby and in that moment I was a baby who needed there mother.

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