chapter 56

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Melissa POV

I practiced all night and day until the concert I really wanted to make Elvis proud of me

"Come on baby why don't we get some rest? "Elvis told me one day it was real dark And it was only me and him there

"Elvis I have too do this right I don't wanna look like a fool"I said to him he held my hand and rubbed little circles

"You need sleep honey you've been up since 4 in the morning"he says I sigh and get back to work Elvis rolls his eyes and picks me up over his shoulders

"Elvis put me down!"I said hitting his back playfully he chuckled

"Nope I'm carrying you back to the hotel"he says 

"Please Elvis come on"I said desperately He ignored me and we walked in the hotel he opened the door and took my shoes off

"Now can I get down?"i asked him

"I guess"he joked placing me down

"Thanks E"I say Coldly he smiles

"You still love me"he said

"Of course "I told him i reached up and kissed his nose

"I'm just pissed off at you"I said with a smile

"What song are you having trouble with?"he asked me

"Suspicious minds"I said with  sighed

"That one is hard"he says in-between kisses

"Maybe you should help me"I tell him as he takes his shirt off

"I think i have a Better idea"he said I climbed on him

Elvis POV

I woke up with Melissa snuggled closed to me her head on my shoulder

"Morning baby"I say I look at the time and it's 6 in the morning

"Morning"she said and kissed me sweetly

"Today's the big day"I said she sighed

"Yeah don't remind me"she joked

"Hey its gonna be okay I was nervous when I first went on stage"I told her she looked surprised

"Really you were nervous it didn't seem like it"she says while walking her fingers on my chest

"It may not seem like I was but trust me I thought I was gonna pass out"I said with a chuckle she kissed me deeply

"I know I'll be okay you'll be with me"she told me with a smile

"Well we better get ready "I said getting out of bed she did the same

I headed to the bathroom and showered then changed into my white jumpsuit I made sure the ring was in my pocket before I came out

"Elvis is that you"she joked as she walked up to me

"Yes it is "I said playing along

"You look hot"she said with a grin

"Why thank you thank you very much"I said with a chuckle

" I just need to out dress you but I think you will win"she says I laugh

Then she gets ready I just watch her as she puts on  makeup she really didn't need makeup then she got dressed in a all black sparkly dress it was short but not to short then she had her hair down and curled

"How do I look"she asked me I was speechless

"Y-you look amazing"I said she smiled

"I do look pretty good"she said I grabbed her hand and she kissed my cheek

"You guys ready?"Joe asked us

"Yep ready as I'll ever be"Melissa said as we headed out of the door

"Did ya grab the ring?"Joe whispered to me I nodded yes Melissa looked at us funny

"Here we are"I said taking her hand I kissed her eyebrow tenderly

"Don't be scared baby"I told her she rested her head on my shoulder

"I'm just nervous is all"she tells me  we got there and there were people already lining up at the door and it was nearly 7 the show didn't start tills 8:30

"ELVIS!!!!"the girls screamed at me trying to pull me but Joe backed them off

"They love you here elvis"Melissa said I smiled holding her hand gently

"What song should we try first?"Melissa asked me"

"How about you've lost that loving feeling"I suggested she nodded her head yes

"You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips your trying hard not to show it but baby , baby I know it"I sang looking straight at Melissa she blushed

"You've lost that loving feeling oh that loving feeling you've lost that lovin feeing now your gone gone gone"I heard Melissa sing

We finished the song and I had a couple makeup artist touch up Melissa

"5 more minutes till show time"Joe yelled in the dressing room As he opened the door

"Melissa you gonna be okay?"I asked her placing my hands on her shoulders

"I think I will as long as your with me"she said I bend down and kissed her

"let's get going "I told her she grabbed my hand and I squeezed it gently

The music started and me and Melissa headed out Everyone clapped

"Before we get started with the show I just want to say a few words thank you guys for coming here tonight it means a lot to me "I started out people clapped

"And I want to say a few words to Melissa "I said

"Come on honey come here"I said she moved around the other background people and came to my side I turned to face her and got down on one Knee she was already starting to tear up I held her hand

"Melissa I love you with all my heart we've been through everything together I want to grow old with you will you marry me again? "I asked her she nodded her head yes I got up and kissed her tenderly Everyone clapped she pulled away from the kiss I kissed her forehead

"You surprised? "I asked her

"yes very "she whispered  I whipped her tears she smiled shyly

"Alright let's get this show started!"I said in the microphone everyone clapped and cheered

"Suspicious minds"I said to the band

After the show me and Melissa went out.

Melissa POV

"E that was the most romantic thing anybody has ever done for me"I tell him with a smile he kisses me sweetly

"I knew you would say something like that"he chuckled  holding my hand tightly

"Mommy daddy!!! "summer came running up to us we hugged her

"Hey baby girl we missed you"Elvis said kissing her forehead

"I missed you too"she said with a smile

This was the most amazing day I've had

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