chapter 6

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up bright and early, seeing a note on the night stand from Elvis telling me he'll be back in an Hour or so catching up on business. I sighed and reluctantly got outta bed and before I could head down stairs, the loud ring came from the receiver.

"Ugh, its early in the morning." I groaned into the telephone, Laying back in the bed.

"Well, I miss you its boring now that you left no one too boss around. wanna have a swim party. Elvis has a pool right?" I heard my sister Nonchalant reply.

"Yes, What time are you heading over?" I questioned, peeking outside the curtain. Red stood outside the front door trying to block the fans . he caught my eye waving for me to come down.

I gave him one finger and took my attention back on the phone.

"I dont know, How dose 1 o'clock?" she questioned.

"Oh that's fine!" I replied cheerfully, I really was excited to see My sister even though all we do is argue I kinda miss having her around.I hung the phone back up and made my way downstairs.

"Hey." Red shoved his hand in his pockets.

"Um, hi. Elvis isn't here." I replied, knowing thats not what he wants.

"I aint here for Elvis, we both know that." Red hissed backing me up in the hall so no one could hear us.

"Look, can we just forget about everything? It would make it much easier." I rubbed my temples together, its too early for this .

"Forget? How do you expect me to forget all that happened in the past 2 weeks!?! We kissed, twice!" Red's voice raised. I've never seen him angry and I have to admit it's pretty hot.

"Okay, Well what do you want me to do about it?" I asked, Red smirked and I knew where this was going.

"Oh, No you do-"Before I could finish he backed me up the wall kissing me like his life depended on it.

I couldn't help it either, My heart was racing and I laced my fingers through his hair, making him pick me up and wrap my legs around his waist.

"Wait..." I breathed out, Red kissed my neck hoisting me up against the wall.

"What? What's there to wait. Elvis isn't home and he won't be for another 2 hours." Red continued, he kissed me hard letting my head slam against the wall. It was pretty hot but we cant do it in the hall way.

"Red we cant do it here." I pulled back, His breathing was raged, and his lips swollen.

"Oh come on! You could do it for a guy that cheats on you but not me!" Red hissed.

And before I could think I slapped him twice as hard as I did before, that was so uncalled for.

"How dare you! You have no right to speak to me like that." I cried walking back up the stairs, I heard his footsteps but ran faster closing the door.

"Lissa I didn't mean What I said, its the hormones talking! please open up." Red pounded and kicked against the door. I was afraid it was gonna break down.

"Go Red!" I screamed, A couple seconds later the pounding stopped.

Moments after I picked myself up and getting ready before my parent and Roselle came. I was excited but nervous because I didn't want Red to say anything stupid.

I dress in a black and white polka dot bikini and pulled my hair in a high pony tail.

I sighed before I headed down stairs, Elvis just came through the door with a wide smile on his face.

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