chapter 54

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Melissa POV

I woke up in a bliss I turned to my side and Elvis wasn't in bed I got of bed and put my slippers on and my robe and headed down stairs to see summer eating breakfast

"Morning baby "I said and kissed the side of her head

"Morning mama"she said cheerfully

I walked in the kitchen and seen Elvis making breakfast I smiled

"Morning love"he said to me and pecked my cheek

"Morning this is a swell surprise "I told him while I made coffee

"What is?"he questioned me

"Well you know I've never seen you in the kitchen making breakfast"I joke

"People can change"he tells me with a smile

"They sure can "I say while nodding

"mama can you do my hair?"summer asked me

"Sure thing baby"I tell her and Carry her to the bathroom

"Daddy picked out my outfit "she said proudly I smile

"He did a very good job"I tell her as I pull her hair into a ponytail

"There you go kiddo "I tell her she smiles

"Thank you mama"she says

"Your welcome baby " I told her

"E you better get going"I say he looks at the clock

"Oh man your right well be late if we don't hurry up"he tell me as he rushes to get summer

"Bye summer and don't worry you'll do fine!"I told her as they rush out the door

Elvis POV

I try and hurry up so people won't notice who I am and ask for autographs

"Daddy I'm scared "summer says as we sit outside the classroom

"Baby everything will be okay "I tell her a tear falls down her cheek I whip it with my thumb

"Don't cry "I say she hugs me tightly

"can't you stay  in with me?"she asked me

"I can't stay all day"I say in a soft tone she looks down

"Hey after school me and you will will go get ice cream it will be our little secret"I tell her she smiles

"Really!"she said happily I kiss her forehead And hold her hand as we walk in the class room

"Hi I'm Mrs. Jordan "the teacher tells me she doesn't notice who I am yet

"Hello I'm Elvis Presley "I say with my hand out for her to shake it

"Oh my your Elvis oh my gosh "she says shaking my hand

"Yes I am and this is my daughter summer "I said she crouched down

"Hello summer "she says Summer hides behind me

"She's a little shy"I say she smile smiles

"Look daddy will be back later okay"I tell summer

"You promise "she says and hugs my leg

"I promise I won't leave you "I tell her

"Come on I'll show you around "Mrs Jordan tells summer holding out her hand I kiss summers forehead and she takes her hand I smile then I head out the door

"How'd it go E?"Melissa asked me as I walked in the door

"Fine she cried but I told her I'll be back"I said

"We got the whole day to our self's"Melissa  said wrapping her arms around my neck

"Well.... "I said

"Well what?"she asked me unwrapping arms from me

"I have to go to the studio to start rehearsing for Vegas"I tell her she looks mad

"Really I thought we could do something today"she said

"I'm sorry but I gotta work"I tell her

She goes upstairs I follow her u know she's angry at me

"Don't be mad Melissa "I tell her she ignored me

"Well spend some time in Vegas "I say she looks at me

"Vegas what's are you talking about Elvis?"she asked me folding close

"I have a show there in 2 weeks I want you and summer with me"I say rubbing her back

"Elvis I don't know summer just started school "she said

"I'm sure she would love Vegas "I tell her kissing her shoulder

"Okay you right "she says I smile And kiss her

"I better get going "I tell her

"I got a idea what if I come with you just to watch"she says I take q minuet to think about it

"Okay I can't say no to you"I tell her she jumps up and gets ready I smile and walked down stairs to wait for her

Melissa POV

I've never seen Elvis at rehearsal so I was really excited I got dressed in shorts and a blouse with flats then French braided my hair and we went to the rehearsals

"From the top "Elvis said

The music started and Elvis sang but he messed up

"We need to do this again "Elvis said

He was having a hard time with polka salad Annie

"Elvis Maybe we should take a brake"Joe said

"no we need to get this before we head to Vegas "Elvis said shaking his head Joe sighed

We were there for 5 hours before Elvis got the song Right then we finally headed to pick summer up

"Mama daddy!!! "summer ran to us when we came in the door

"Did ya have fun?"Elvis asked her she smiled wide

"Yep like you said! "she said he hugged her Then picked her up

"Can we get ice cream now?"I heard summer ask

"Shhh it's our little secret "Elvis whisper I looked at Elvis he shrugged

"What?"Elvis laughed he held my hand we went to the ice cream shop and then the toy store Elvis wanted to buy out the whole toy store I wouldn't let him then we headed home

"I love you E"I told him he kissed me gently

"And I love you "he said with a smile 

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