chapter 23

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up with one of my silk pajamas which I know Elvis loves, I got up Yawning as I made my way to the long length mirror.Makeup was smeared everywhere my hair was a rats nest. I haven't had a good night sleep in a long time.

"There's my baby."Elvis Whispered wrapping his arms from behind me.

"I see you put your favorite pajamas on me." I smirked, turning around in his arms.

"Yes, I did. I just could resist." Elvis moved my hair from my eyes.

"Mmmm.." I turned to face him, we both were chest to chest.

"M-Maybe we should get to that beach." Elvis stuttered.

"I have a better idea." I smirked, Pulling over my silk pajamas.

"Come on baby..." Elvis gulped, He was never nervous around me untill today.

"What's the matter? You scared." I smiled, pushing him slightly on the bed.

"No, I-I just think..." Elvis trailed off looking anywhere but my eyes.

"What?" I questioned swinging both of my legs on either side of his.

"Maybe.... Maybe we should wait." Elvis replyed. I was stunned I mean, wait?

"Wait? Where did all this come from. Where's my Elvis." I smirked, Kissing his neck up to his jaw.

"I- I don't wanna take advantage of you, is all." He mummbled.

I stopped kissing his neck and pecked his lips. "You're not Elvis, trust me. I want this."

Elvis smiled, flipping me over with me on my back.

"He's back..." I giggled, fiddiling with his button trying to take his short off in a fast matter..

~        ~        ~         ~ 

Hours after our fun Elvis thought it would be a grand idea to teach me how to sure even though I know nothing about it.

"baby, come on it's easy! "Elvis yelled, from his surf board.

"Elvis, I can't do this!"I huffed, placing my head on the too of the board. My legs dangling below me. 

"like this"Elvis lifted me on the board carefully, holding my waist while rubbing slightly upward.

"I like this..."I smiled, turning to face him.

"just wait till tonight"Elvis whispered in my ear , Pulling my neck towards him for a kiss.

'IT'S ELVIS PRESLEY!!! " some crazy group of fans chased us from the water to his parked car. 

"sorry about that "Elvis mumbled obviously mad about it.

I tried to hold in my laughter but failed and busted out laughing.

"What??" Elvis looked at me .

"That was actually fun, running from them."  I giggled,  I scooted closer towards him wrapping my legs around him.

"You don't think I'm fun." Elvis frowned.

"Oh, I do." I smirked, Kissing his lips.

we arrived at our beach house around 10 pm we both couldn't keep out hands to eachother. The momment the car stopped Elvis practectly tugged me out of the car up to our room.

His lips smashed on mine, as we bumped into the door with me locking it behind me. I pullled away from the heated kissing, to tugg down his swim trunks.

"Someone's in a rush." Elvis smirked.

"Shut up." I pulled him in for a kiss that I thought would never end. Elvis guided me towards the bed, with him hovering above me.

Elvis P.O.V

I looked at the clock that read 12:30 in the afternoon and we were still in bed, I kissed Lissa's forhead trying not to wake her. 

I carefully shut the door behind me, making my way to the guy's.

"hey,there he is!"Gene shouted, handing me a glass full of whiskey.

"Where were you last night?"Scotty questioned, Smirking a little since he knows a little not about what happen.

"let's just say It was a good time." I laughed with the guys, tilting my head back enjoying the hot whiskey down my throat.

"Have you told her yet?" Joe asked me, getting on to a more serious  topic.

"I don't know I haven't figured out how to tell her "I said

I got a new movie roll but I didn't know how Melissa was going to take it , the last time I had one she was paranoid that I was cheating . And this time I would be going away for a long time away from her. which burdens me.

Melissa P.O.V

I got out of bed sore from last night, I took a hot steam shower and got dressed then headed out into the kitchen, to meet with Elvis.

"Good morning baby "Elvis kissed me gently

"Morning "I replied, wrapping my arms around his waist snuggling into his chest.

"I-I got some news to tell you"Elvis mumbled, pulling my arms away from him.

"What kind of new's" I raised a eyebrow.

"well the colonel gave me another movie deal...."His eyes scanned anywhere but mine.

"what!"I shouted. I was feed up with him leaving me all the time.

"I'm sorry baby but we need the money, this will be a good thing. "Elvis pulled my arm towards him

"Elvis, were getting married this Saturday "I pulled our of his arms getting fed up.

"I know, I know but the colonel thinks that people don't know who I am anymore "Elvis said

"but Elvis yesterday those fans were chasing you! "I snapped

"Melissa don't you think I know that , the colonel won't listen to me" Elvis pushed his hair back, pacing the room.

"then let me tell him" I replied.

"if he won't listen to me, how do you think he'll listen to you?" He mumbled.

"Elvis I don't want you to go, last time you went I got depressed and I don't like being alone "I cried, I needed to tell him how I feel before he goes.

"Melissa I have to, this is my job. you and I both know that."Elvis pulled me into his arms, I sobbed into his chest not wanting to let him go.

"I don't have to go for another 2 months..."he sighed

"how about we go on a dinner just the two of us tonight "he quickly changed the subject.

"that would make me really happy." I smiled, reaching up to kiss him.

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