chapter 3

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up and I could here my mother yelling at my father as I got closer down the stairs, there yelling got louder.

"What's going on?"I said, making them both stop to look at me.

"We heard your going to move into Graceland, Rose told us this morning."Momma placed her hands on her hips waiting for my respond.

"Well Elvis offered me to and I accepted it "I said with my head held high. Not wanting to back down because of them.

"Well I don't think you should your 18 and he's 24, you don't know what he wants with you." Momma replied,Daddy rolled his eyes walking towards me.

"Well Daddy,What do you think about this ? "I asked him not caring that Mom have me the death glare.

"I think you should do What ever you want your old enough to make your own choices,And I think Elvis is a great man." Daddy proudly replied.

" I think I made my choice , I want to movie into Graceland "I making less eye contak with Mother.

"I think that's a great idea, Don't you Katherine? Daddy smiled, rubbing mom's back gently.

"What ever she wants, I'm just looking out for you Melissa. You know that right?" Mom asked, she kept herself busy by picking up the living room.

"Yes, I do. But I'm basically an adult now." I rolled My eyes.

The front door rang and everyones attention was there. "Its time." I sighed.

Mom's tears were kept from falling once I held her tightly, I cried a little lifting my suitcase up.

"I'll try and visti when I can."I kissed Mom's cheek while daddy took me in his arms.

"I know baby, I know." Daddy rufed my hair once more before Mama opened the door.

"You ready Lissa?"Red peeked in his head.

"Yeah, just give me a minute." I replied. Rose came running down with my exta suitcase,Before she have me a quick hug.

"You better get outta here, before I get all misty eyes." Rose whiped a single tear.

"I love you, all." I smiled holding onto my heart shaped necklace.

Red picked up My suitcases with me following behind, My family stood by my front porch waving goodbye.

The ride to graceland was A long ride of silence. I really wanted to see Elvis since last night. Red pulled the car up to graceland,helping me out. I saw Elvis's blue eyes peek up to meet my eyes.

"Hey baby! You made it'"Elvis Happily moved aside for me to walk in.

"It took some time, But my mother finally agreed to it."I smiled,Elvis helped with my suitcase taking them away from me.

"Welcome to Graceland." Elvis watched me as I gased around the furnace.

"You like what you see?"Elvis Placed my things by the bottom of the stairs guiding me towards the kitchen.

Vernon,  Gene and Red all gathered around playing cards.

"Vern It's so Good to see you! "I cherped up, practically running towards him.

"How you been Lissa?"Vern Asked gently.

"I'm good, thank you."I smiled,seeing Elvis out the corner of my eyes with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Come on baby I'll show you the rest of the House. "Elvis said, Giving the guys a long hard stair especially Red. Elvis grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.

Elvis lead me up the stairs with my bags in one hand and my hand in his, Elvis opened a white double door with red carpet underneath.

"This is my room, the only place no one can enter but you."Elvis's voice became deep.

"Oh Elvis, I love it "I replied, kissing his cheeks.

then he left and I started unpacking the closet was huge I can't believe this is our room.  I have a queen sized bed, a giant walk in closet also our own walkin bathroom. Once I finished spashed my face with cold water, thinking that would wake me up from this dream I'm living.

I could hear piano music coming from down stairs, so I shut the water off and let my feet lead me to Elvis.

"Hey baby"Elvis said perking up from his chair.

"Hey"I smiled ,wrapping my arms around his neck.

Elvis took my hand leading me to downstairs in a loung area, that was decorated into a jungle.

"Everyone,  I would like you to meet Melissa Rowe.  "Elvis announced me like I was royalty.

"Nice, to meet you I'm Joe "A brown haired man older than Elvis stood from his chair, stretching his hand out for me.

"Hi nice to meet you "I replied shaking his hand, with Elvis still holding my hand tightly.

Elvis introduced me to brand new guys I have yet to meet because he's been gone so long, Red keept glancing at me every now and then. Elvis held a firm hard glare with Red which made him look away from him.

Elvis stood up pulling me too the farthest side of the room. "What is that, with you and Red?" Elvis keept his stare hard to my soft,confused look.

"Elvis, what are you talking about? All we did was look at Each other." I barked back, only because I've never seen him act Like this.

"Exactly! The looks, I know that look I did that look with you. " Elvis rubbed his temples.

"Elvis I only got eyes for you, I love you." I promised. Elvis held my gaze for a long time before kissing my nose then gazing his lips on mine.

"I hope you do, I love you."He pressed his lips to mine for a quick kiss before slipping away from my arms to play pool with the guys.

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