chapter 24

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Melissa P.O.V

Are trip back home, was long and quiet. We both were dreading to head back home after what we discussed.

" Lissa, are you okay?" Elvis asked helping me up the steps.

"Yea just a bit tired you know" I replied, gripping his forearm he kissed the side of my head helping me up the steps.

"There's my boy Elvis! " I knew that voice anywhere.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my suitcase from the trunk.

"hey colonel it's always good to see you" Elvis greeted he was to sweet

"Melissa how are ya?"the colonel asked me as I set down my bags.

"why do you care you! "I snapped, I knew he didn't like me he thought I was "taking Elvis from his fans"

"Melissa! "Elvis tried to hide his smile but failed.

"I like this one.. feisty "colonel puffed his cigar, eyeing me down.

"Elvis I'll be in the jungle room "I glared in his direction, I walked past the colonel who smelt of cigarettes and walked in the jungle room slamming the door

Elvis P.O.V

"That girl of yours has some spunk I like her"the colonel set his cigar in the ash trey.

"that girls name is Melissa and she is my soon to be wife and don't you ever talk to her like that again!"I snapped turning my attention to him.

"Elvis ,Elvis please calm down" The colonel stepped away from the threshold

"what do you need colonel "I mumbled, sitting on the steps.

"fans are talking Elvis, they don't like this idea of you getting married" He spoke.

"look when we went out to the beach some crazy fan chased me and Melissa what dose that tell you!"I ran a hand though my hair.

"Elvis I'm the boss here right?, so your fans don't like this idea you and Melissa have about getting married this weekend "he opened another cigar, and threw the rapper on the floor.

"like I said I'm doing what's right and that's to marry Melissa, I don't care if the fans don't like it or you me and Melissa love each other so were doing what makes us happy" I got up from the steps making my way too him.

"Elvis, I understand where your coming from but I don't think it's a good idea" The colonel shook his head.

"then maybe you shouldn't be my boss anymore "I held my head high, he wasn't gonna tell me what to do in my relationship.

"what are you trying to say Elvis...." He puffed his cigar.

"I'm saying if you don't think Melissa and I should get married ....maybe you should not be my boss anymore , your fired "I strictly replied staring right into his eyes.

"You just made a big mistake "The colonel threw his cigar as he walked out slamming the door behind him.

Melissa P.O.V

I picked up a few things in our room, putting away Elvis's laundry and just as I shut the draw Elvis rushed in.

"I fired the colonel! "Elvis said happily, rushing around the room which I knew meant he wasn't prepared for it.

"Elvis that's great! isn't it? wait who's gonna be you're boss?" I replied making my way too him to calm him down.

"I don't need one" He simply replied.

"Elvis every musician needs a boss"I said, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"baby my pa can be my boss "Elvis smiled, kissing my cheek

"Elvis are you sure this is a good idea?" I questioned, i didn't want him to make the wrong decision

"it's a great Idea just trust me" He smirked that cheesy smile.

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