chapter 41

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Melissa P.O.V

the next week I was sent home and when we got out there were reporters everywhere

"come please no pictures "Elvis said covering me and summer

Joe blocked the reporters away from us as we got in our limo

"sorry about that I should have known there would be reporters"Elvis says

"baby don't sweat it "I tell him as he kisses summer's forehead

"I'm just glad were going home I'm beat "he tells me

"your beat I just gave birth"I say as he chuckles

we pulled in Graceland and Elvis holds the door open for me and helps me as I get out with summer

"Melissa Elvis your back! "Vern says I laugh as he ran towards us

"were glad to be back"Elvis says with a smile

"were is my baby girl"he says

"right here"I say he takes a hold of summer

"oh she's precious she looks just like you Melissa "Vern coos

"Thank you Vern"I said

"why don't you and Elvis get some rest I know how having a baby is  hard work"he said

"are you sure "I asked him

"yes Melissa I'm fine now you guys go on and sleep "he tells us

me and Elvis smile at him and he takes my hand and leads me upstairs

"I'm so blessed "Elvis tells me as we get into bed

"I'm blessed I have you"I said he kissed me

"we sure do make a beautiful child"he said as I lay my head on his chest

"yes we do "I smile

"I start my rehearsals next week"Elvis said

"for the tv special "I said he nodded

"and I want you and summer to be in the front row"he says with a smile

"I will love to be there for you"I said

we took our little nap and I heard summer crying

"hold on "I said in by sleepy voice I yawned and stretched Elvis was still sleeping

"there there"I said as I rocked her back and forth

I feed her and she fell asleep

"I wish my mama was here"I whispered then I felt arms around me

"your mama would be proud "I heard Elvis said

"I know she would"I said with a smile

he kissed my cheek

"you know I'm finally happy "I said he kissed me

"and I'm happy your happy"he said and chuckled

"dinners done y'all! "I heard Mary our cook yell

Elvis took a hold of summer while we walked down stairs

"it's good to see you Mr.P"Mary said

"thank you Mary it's good to see you"he said and kissed her cheek

"Vern Mafia dinner time"Mary yelled

5 minuets later all the guys came down

"now settle down gees you think this house has a bunch of pigs running around in here!"Mary said

all the guys laughed

"ya but you still love us right Mar"Joe said

"yes you guys are like family"she said with a smile

"now let's say grace "Vern said

we all took hands and said grace and began to eat

"so Mr P I heard your doing a tv special"Mar said

"Yep and I want all you guys there"Elvis said

after dinner the guys played football and I hung out with doger and Patsy

"Elvis Watch out!"I said

but it was to late Joe tackled him down making Elvis laugh

"you bastard! "Elvis said laughing

"hey it ain't called tackle football for nothing "Joe said

"today was an amazing day"I told Elvis as we were getting ready for bed

"yes it was"he said then kissed me

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