chapter 51

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January 18 , 1970

1 year Later

Melissa P.O.V

Its been a years since I've seen Elvis and so much has changed about me . Jack and I have been more serious since my divorce and today is my baby girls birthday she's turning 5 years old!

"MOMMY!! "I heard summer yell as she jumped on me

"Yes baby? "I asked as I looked at the clock it read 7:30

"It's my birthday!! "she squealed

"What's all the yelling about " Jack asked as he rubbed his eyes

"It's our little girls birthday "I exclaimed

"Well it is isn't is "Jack joked and tickled summer she giggled

"Alright Jackie out of bed "I said

"Baby 5 more minuets "he moaned

"Nope we got a lot to do in little of time "I tell him he finally gets out of bed and pecks my cheek

"You'd you like some coffee "I ask Jack  summer rushes down stairs

"That would be wonderful"he says as we walk down stairs

"Baby what are you doing? "I ask summer as she sits by the door

"Waiting for daddy to come he said he will"she says with a big smile

I sigh I hope Elvis dose come he did say he would and I would hate room see summer sad

"What's wrong honey? "Jack asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek

"ain't nothin to worry about "I tell him in my southern accent

"How do you do that?"he whispered in my ear

"Do what? "I asked him his hands move towards my hips

"Sound sexy"he tells and kisses my neck slowly

"DADDY IS HERE!!!!"summer squealed

"Saved by the bell"I said with a laugh

"I better get ready!"he says as he runs up the stairs I laugh as he almost fell

Elvis P.O.V

"daddy you came!!!"summer said I lifted her up

"I wouldn't miss this for the world"I told her she smiled as I walked in

"Where's your mama?"I ask her

"Here I am sorry I'm not dressed yet I just woke up"she tells me but she is still beautiful in my eyes

"It's okay I know I'm early "I tell her summer holds onto my neck

"So where's Jack?"I asked her she's been telling next about him so I've been wanting to meet him

"Oh he's getting ready upstairs "she told me she kept looking at me like she needs to talk to me

"Where's Linda?"she asked me

"She had a pageant to do she said she'll be over when the party begins"I tell her I put summer down

"You need any help?"I asked she looked so beautiful her hair a bit longer than when I meet her I know it's awkward for us since we got a divorce but I want room be there for her no matter what the situation is

"Um no I don't think so we just have to set the tables and party decorations "she said

"How about I do that and you can get ready if you want to"I said trying not to be so rude

"Sure If you don't mind"she said

"I don't mind at all"I tell her with a smile

"Okay I'll try to hurry"she says going you stairs

"Take your time!"I yell

I sighed and got to work

Melissa P.O.V

"Is he here?"Jack asked me

"Yep down stairs setting up "I tell him his face turns white

"I'm nervous "he says pacing back and forth

"Of what he's just Elvis "I tell him he stops and walks over to me

"Yes and that's why I'm nervous he's the king  of rocking roll and I'm just an ordinary guy "he says I shut him up with a kiss and he kisses me back hard

"I don't care if your ordinary Jackie I just love you for you and I loved Elvis not because of who he was and how much money he had it was  because of how he treated me "I tells him

"Really? "he seemed shocked

"Yes Jack now go on and show him what you got "I tell him he chuckled

"I will I'll make you proud "he says with a big smile And walked out

I shake my head and begin to get ready I just hope Elvis doesn't make this party a bad experience


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