chapter 5

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up bright and early making Me groan and turn to see Elvis sound asleep making me want to snuggle up next to him. I trailed my finger up and down his bare chest, Swirling little circles.

"Well this is a good way to wake up Elvis opened one eye peeking down at me.

"Good morning to you too. "I smirked planting a wet kiss on his lips.

"I thought we could get outta the house today, we've been cooped up in here day in and day out." Elvis scooted closer to me stoking my bangs from my face.

"That sounds perfect.... Me and you." I replied kissing his lips, scooting closer too him.

"Naked." Elvis blurted out with a cheekiest grin. I let a giggle escape my lips and let my head fall in Elvis's chest.

"Your dirty..." I chuckled, kissing his lips softly. I felt his hand slowly go down my back.

"You like it.." Elvis winked.I rolled My eyes and casually got out of bed, I had no idea where we were going but I didn't care as long as Elvis was with.

I took a quick shower and left my face bare of makeup since Elvis told me he liked me better without makeup around him. I left my hair natural as well and put on kaprie's and a red halter top blouse. I basically ran down the stairs but stopped in my tracks seeing Red at the foot of the steps.

"My... My." Red whistled, circling me like an enemy.

"Oh Red....." I rolled My eyes strutting past him, making a effort to out a little sway in my hips.

"Mhmhmmh."Red mumbled, I smirked to myself leading the way to where Elvis was out back.

"Hey, you." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck from behind.

He took a while before he answered. "Hey." he smiled small. Looking up at me, his blue eyes deep in thought.

"What's wrong?" I frowned, Elvis took my hand leading me to the grass.

"I've Been thinking about our future..." Elvis started, he stared off into my eyes.

"Really?" I gasped, I felt guilt about the Red thing, but Elvis cheated on me in Germany and we both know it.

"Yes, I have been thinking about marriage... Children." Elvis was very serious about this but I dont know If I am.

"Elvis we just moved in and.."Elvis pressed a finger to my lips to shush me.

"We dont have to get married right away..." Elvis smirked.

"But you just said-"

"I was thinking... Calm down baby. Elvis held me close, kissing my forehead.

"It's just a thought..." I mumbled, Elvis nodding lifting my chin up.

"I thought you'd be happy?" Elvis questioned.

"I-I just think we're a bit too young, That's all." I gulped, I've never been nerves in front of Elvis until now.

"Hmm, okay?" Elvis raised his brow, I pecked his lips once more before Red called him back in the house.

"E, you gotta call!" Red called from the house, He leaned against the frame of the door with a cigar in his hand.

"Look, how bout after the call me and you go out tonight?" Elvis asked, hope was in his eyes.

"Of course." I smiled, he gave me a quick kiss before he walked in the house. Red walked past him, throwing his half cigar in a cigarette trey.

"And how are you doing this fine evening?" Red smirked, pushing his glasses on the bridged of his nose.

"Don't." I ignored his smirked and sat by the back porch, kicking my feet up.

"You didn't miss me?" Red made himself at home plopping down next to me on the patio.

"Red, we cant do.... This. Whatever this is." I said motioning my fingers between us.

"Oh, come on babe, It'll be fun." Red closed the small space between us.

"Are You drunk?!" I gasped, I quickly stood up regaining my posture.

"No! I'm just a little tipsy is all..." Red chuckled.

"Oh, please your sickening.' I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest.

"You weren't saying that last night-" Before Red could finish his sentence, I slapped him and before I could do it again. He pushed me against the wall, Pinning my arms up and over my head.

"Don't, ever do that again." His hot breath lingered on my neck.

My breathing pitched up, and before I was thinking I crushed my lips onto his. I knew that any moment Elvis could walk out here but I didn't care, I knew it was wrong of me but I was addicted to Red, I didn't know what it was but there's something about him that I couldnt get my mind off of him.

"Man, gets me Every time. Red growled, he kissed me slowly this time. But his breathing was getting harder the minuet. I pulled back as soon as I heard Elvis's shoes come towards the door. I matted down my hair and Red casually walked in the house.

"That was a uhm business phone call... Sorry lets get outta here before anyone calls agian." He lied, every time he crinkles his nose I know he's lying . I didn't feel a slight sympathy for what I did with Red, And I might as well continue.

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