chapter 2

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Melissa P.O.V

The next day I woke up bright and  early because I want to see elvis since last night. I was still worried about him and Priscilla 'the girl he left behind' but I wasn't going to ask him about her just yet. I still wanted to see the happy side of him and this is just it. 

I Quickly got ready and braided my brown curls before slipping on my red flats. I took on good look in the mirror before heading down and greeting Mother.

"Morning baby, There's some breakfast waiting for you on the counter if your hungry."Mother asked scrambling up some eggs.

"Oh that's okay, me and Elvis might brag a bite too eat on our way out.  "I replied twisting my hair. 

"Aren't you gonna ask him about this girl in the news papers?What's her -"

"Priscilla "I said cutting her off, with a eye roll.

"Melissa I know your upset about this, but I feel like it's a subject that You and him need to discuss together "Mom subjustice spilling a pile of pancakes on to a plate. 

"No Mom, I'm not but you keep bothering me about it "I angrly replied and walked out before she had the chance to say anything. Before I had the chance to sit on our porch a black Cadillac pulled up and Elvis's shiny black hair shown.

"Hey baby"he said and kissed my lips tenderly

"Hey Elvis "I pressed a fake smile through my lips.

"What's wrong " Elvis knew there was something wrong with me, I didn't wanna ruin the good day ahead of us.

"Nothing just me and my Mom had an argument "I lied right through my teeth.

"Oh is everything Okay?" Elvis sincerly asked.

"Yeah it was over Something stupid anyway "I replied, staring at the golden button on his jacket.

"Lets get outta here, just me and you at the park."Elvis suggested wiggling his eyebrows.

"You and I both know you can't you'll get torn to bits by screaming fans. "I said, Elvis out his hand up to my face slowly caressing my cheek.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you" Elvis pulling my hand towards his Cadillac.

Elvis kept playing with my hands the whole way making me distracted about Priscilla maybe she was just a girl with a little crush on Elvis and maybe they didn't do anything while he was down in Germany.

"Elvis we don't have to do this, we can go anywhere else but here. Its extra crowded today. "I said, looking around the park. Seeing mother's push there baby's taking with their girlfriends. Children playing on the swingset, teenagers blowing bubble gum and holding the lates people magazine.

"I want to, I haven't felt normal in a long time. This is what normal people do right? "Elvis chuckled tugging my hand towards his.

"Okay and not a lot of people go to the park, especially when its hot. "I replied kissing his lips softly.

Elvis layed down a checkered blanket for us by a big oak tree in the back of the park on top of a hill. While I got out our picknet basket.

"This is nice, peace and quiet." I said as I slid on my sunglasses,leaning back on the green grass.

"Sure is, I haven't had a normal day like this in a long time. "Elvis replied giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I was debating if I should ask Elvis about  Priscilla,  I wondered if he would get mad and ruin this perfect day for us. I didn't wanna start a fight between us I just wanted to know the truth. 

"Elvis I read the paper last week "I fiddiled with the grass beneth me.

"And.."Elvis sharply asked.

"I read the head line 'The He Left Behind!. I'm worried you did somthing Elvis you didn't even call me when you were over there I was so mad at you but yet I still cared for you. My parents said maybe he isn't good for you, but I knew something was going on. "I chocked out.

"Look Melissa I didn't do anything over there I promise you I only have eyes for you, you should know this by now. I love you Lissa.  "Elvis looked deep in my eyes, holding my hands. His eyes tell me one thing but my heart tells me another.

"So the papers are lying? "I questioned ,still worring.

"Yes, they'll say anything to let anybody by it." Elvis replied, rubbing circles in my back. Yet deep down in my heart I just felt like he lied to my face.  After we ate Elvis drove me home, most of the ride back was quiet except for the music on low.

"I Want you to stay at Graceland with Me, I know it's a bit too soon but I've been thinking about it for a whole now. I asked your daddy ahead of time and he said he didn't have a problem. "Elvis blurted out, before we pulled up to my house. The front porch was on so I knew Mom was still awake.

"My daddy agreed to it?!"I squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"It was a shock for me too, He said he didn't mind. "Elvis smiled, helping me out the Cadillac.

"Oh I can't wait,  It's been to long since I've been at graceland.  "I Replied, we reached my porch which was an awkward silence.  I was gonna ask when he was coming over but I felt his lips against mine.

"Catch Ya tomorrow around 10" Elvis smirked as he walked away.

A smile creeped on my lips as I unlocked the door seeing My younger  sister Rose painting her nails a rubby red.

"Hey Melissa "Rose smirked seeing my smile, I knew she heard the whole conversation me and Elvis had.

"Hey Elvis came back "I replied taking off my flats.

"I heard"rose rolled her eyes. 

"And he said I can stay with him at Graceland!! "I smiled,twirling around.

"Do you think that's a Good idea? " She questioned.

"Yes Rose I do It's a great idea I love him and he loves me he told me him self. "I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Alright be careful Melissa he seems like a kind of guy that plays around a lot. "Rose codly responded. I walked to my room and slammed it shut I can't believe her how can she tell me What to do I'm 18 years old

I packed half of my close in my suitcase and layed down in my bed. This is too much for one night .

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