chapter 11

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Elvis P.O.V

After 4 long months in Hollywood I came home and I got a call from Red  saying  you win in a slurred voice (I'm pretty sure he was waisted)  I asked Melissa if she knew anything about that later on that day, hoping she would know.

"Hey Elvis "Melissa smiled widely as I walked in, she gave me a tight hug.

"Hey "I replied kissing her. "Red called earlier, but he said something diffrenent." I pulled from the kiss.

"Oh What did he say?"she raised a brow.

"He told me you win? do know What that means? "I questioned, she picked up things from the living room moving around from me.

"Why would I know? your his best friend" Melissa Sharply replied.

"I don't know I was just asking did you guys spend a lot of time together? "I responded, with a hint of jelousy in my tone.

"No Elvis, not really I mostly stayed  In my room while you were gone "Lissa threw my laundry in the basket.

They way she was saying it, made me think she was with him and that tickted me off bad.

"MELISSA TELL ME THE TRUTH WHAT DID YOU DO WITH RED!!""I screamed, holding her for arm.

"CAN'T YOU JUST TRUST ME! " Lissa sobbed, She gripped my wrist trying to prive them off of her.

I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything. I was too mad and sidnt care anymore.

Melissa P.O.V

I can't believe What happened Why did Red say anything now , Elvis is mad at me and I'm mad at red I visited Red later on that day to set things straight with him. He cant ruin my relationship with Elvis and I won't let that happen.

knock knock knock

I waited patiently for a couple of minutes outside his apartment door, Seconds later he opened it.

"What Are you doing here?"Red's blood shot eyes pierced into mine.

"Can we talk."I pleaded him, clinging on to my purse.

"Why you have Elvis now, what would you want with me. "Red rolled his eyes, gulping down the bottle of whiskey he had.

"Please, Red. We have to." I gulped down my tears just seeing the sight of him.

"Fine, please enlighten me and come in"he swing open the door letting me through.

I walked in his apartment it was just how I pictures his aprtment very plane but it for him. I sat down on his couch while he say across from him.

"look I'm sorry with what happened about us, I want us together. "I  cried. 

"Melissa, you love Elvis "Red chugged his whiskey, tossing it in the trash.

"I don't think so I think he's cheating on me with Ann. "I sighed, fidling with my yellow blous.

"so you just don't want to be with him because he's cheating on you so you come running back to me!!"Red screamed, I've never heard him scream before. It kinda starteled me.

"Red,  I love you I do. " I replied, wanting his eyes to meet mine but they never did.

"No you don't "Red sniffled.

"Yes Red I do,  Elvis has changed well Hollywood changed him"I cried.

He stood up from the couch, and I stood up from his walking towards him. Red caressed my cheek, pushing my hair back from my eyes.

Red kissed me softly, Gently. I practically melted into him.

"I'm glad I came to your senses "Red's Glossy eyes soon went away as they I looked into mine

"What is Elvis gonna think when I tell him"I suddenly remembered, I got all teard up from it.

"Well,  I'll go get your stuff and tell Elvis your staying at your Moms for the nigjr"Red informed me, grabbing his keys from the rack.

"Okay "I replied, kissing his lips before he walked out.

Elvis P.O.V

I came home from Ann's house I knew Melissa knows about me and Ann but I needed her, and I knew Melissa was up to something but I didn't know what and it was bothering me.

knock knock knock

"Red, What Are you doing here?"I asked him, moving aside so he can come in.

"I came to get Melissa stuff "Red walked past me moving up the stairs.

"Why Are you getting her stuff?"I questioned, furring my eyebrows together.

"She wants to stay at her mom's for awhile because she doesn't trust you"Red replied, joging down the stairs to his truck.

"Let, me go with you"I pleaded as he shut the trunk.

"Elvis she needs time to herself, and you hurt her bad "Red replied as he got in the truck and started it.

"Tell, her I love her please "I sighed, rubbing my temple.

"Will do Elvis "Red said and drove off I already miss her I shouldn't have let her go.

Red P.O.V

I felt bad for Elvis, I lied to my best friend all for a girl but I love her. He's done way worse to her and broke her heart multiple times with diffrent girls. Some he didn't even Tell Lissa.

"I'm back! "I yelled as I walked through the house, serching for her.

"Hey." Lissa peaked through the hallway, in one of my long shirts and boxers with her hair balled up.

"Hey I got your stuff do you want them in my room"I Asked.

"Please "she nodded, I took her hand as we walked up the stairs to start unpacking.

"Elvis said he loves you"I told her, We were almost done unpacking. It was silence the whole time.

"did he now"Lissa rolled her eyes, Throwing herself on the bed.

"Yep, he really misses you." I Helped her put her jeans in the dresser next to my bathroom.

"Well don't worry I just need time away from him"Lissa got up from the bed making her way to me.

"I know you do baby, and I'll be behind you in everyway" I replied kissing her neck softly.

Melissa POV.

Red picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he missed down my has and held his hand on my back to push me closed to him, but it wasn't close enough. I put my hands on his chest and took his shirt off and kissed his chest , he unbuttoned my blouse and kissed down my chest he then slid in side me I feel the most happiest with him and he knows it.

"Red I love you"I said breathlessly, a tear slid down my cheek

"I love you to "he said then whipped my tear with his thumb.

I felt the most happiest with Red, but I knew it would be hell once Elvis found out about me and Red. But I was too busy too care about him because he obviously dosn t care about me.

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