chapter 48

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Melissa P.O.V

After Priscilla came over me and Judy went out it felt good to go out again I haven't been out since I was 17

"Melissa come on have a drink!"Judy said handing me a drink

"No I'm fine "

"Come on "she said with a smile

"Okay Okay "I said taking the drink away from her I chugged it down

"What? "I said smiling

"I said drink not chug the whole thing down "she laughed

"Well I need it "I laughed

I looked over and a young guy sat down next to me he kept looking at me smiling

"Aren't you Mrs. Presley? "he asked

"Yes but what's more important is who you are"I said

" I'm Jack"he said smiling

"So where's Mr. Presley? " He asked me

"Dose it matter where he is "I said

"Well he's your husband "he said than drank his drink

"Were getting a divorce "I said

There was a silence

"Why don't you come with me"he said I smiled

"I'd like that"I said taking his hand

"Melissa where are you going?"Judy asked me

"Were getting to know each other"I said then winked

Elvis P.O.V

I didn't know what to I know Melissa doesn't love me but I still love her I know she needs time to think but I want to see my little girl I am still her father

"Elvis you need to think this out"doger said to me

"I know I know "I mumbled

"She still loves you "she said

"How do you know that?"I asked her

"because you guys have chemistry every time I see you guys together you have been with her for 20  years "she says 

"But people can change"I said

"Not all the time"she said

Melissa P.O.V

"Jack "I said between kisses

"Yes Melissa "he said

"Do you think we should do This? "I asked he stopped

"Do you want to?"he said

"Yes "I smiled

I climbed on top of him and he kissed me as he took my dress off I felt lost in my own world a world that know one could understand I didn't know what I was doing

  "Melissa is something the matter?"Jack asked me

"No nothing at all I just have to go home now"I said

"Will I every see you again? "He asked me

I sighed

"I don't know Jack "I said

"I'll call you "he said I kissed him one last time

And headed out the door I didn't know if I had feelings for him or not

"well it's about time your home"Judy said as I walked in

"mommy!!! "summer said running up to me

"Hey how's my baby girl?"I said picking her up

"Good "she said I kissed her cheek

"Elvis stopped by "Judy said

"Did he now"I said putting summer down

"Yea he wants to talk with you"she said

"Well I don't "I snapped

"What did you do with Jack"she asked me

"Like it's any of your business "I said

"I'm just trying to help you!"she said

"I'm going to bed"I mumbled

I heard her sigh I picked summer up

"Night mommy "summer said as I tucked her in

"Night baby "I said and kissed her forehead

I laid down it was hard falling asleep without Elvis and I'm sure he felt the same

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