chapter 45

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  Melissa P.O.V

that after noon Elvis had

a director over and some photographer's over he was really serious about this movie

"okay first thing first is you to Elvis where did took go when You came back from the army?"the director asked us

"well when I first came home I went straight to Melissa "Elvis says

"that's the first scene and now we need to shoot it there"he tells us

"but my mother was there when Elvis came home how are we gonna do that part?"I ask

"we can just get an older actress to play your mother"he says

I pull Elvis to the side

"I don't know if I can do this E"I tell him

"baby don't worry it's gonna be fine"he says as he hugs Me

"but so much happened in our lives I cheated on you and you did the same my mother died and yours to how are we suppose to act when that happens?"I ask

"we will worry about it when it happens "he says

he kisses me and I feel at ease

"Elvis we need you to come and do a interview! "Vern said

"baby just relax"he tells me

"okay I'll try"I said

he ran up to his father and kept looking back at Me and smiled I smiled back he was so cute

"Mrs "some said taping my shoulder

"yes"I said turning around

"I'm a report and I would like to interview you if that's alright "she said looking down

you could tell she was nervous I smiled

"I wouldn't mind at all "I said happily

" what was going through your mind when Elvis came back from the army? "she said looking in her lap

"I was glad he came home safely  I was also nervous because I thought he would change "I said

"how'd you feel when he proposed?"she asked

"I felt excited scared all the emotions you could possibly have I felt all in one moment "I said then smiled at the  memories I had

"that would be all for  today"she said getting up quickly

"nice meeting you!"I called out as I waved my hand goodbye  she hurried up out of Graceland

"what was all that about "Elvis asked me

"I have no idea she was a sweet lady just shy I guess "I said

"well that's to bad "he said

I heard summer crying from her room

"I'll get her "Elvis said

"are you sure?"I asked

"yes baby "he said with a smile he kissed me and ran up stairs

Elvis P.O.V

"there there "I said rocking her back and forth she kept crying I didn't know what to do

"treat me like a fool treat me mean and cruel but loove me break my faithful heart tear it all a part butttt love me "I sang she began to fall asleep

"Elvis that was beautiful "I heard Melissa say

"thank you I didn't know what to do so I sang "I said I gently laid summer down in her crib and kissed her forehead

"the director wanted us to start shooting at my house "she said

"alright I'll tell pops where were going "I told her 

I told my father where we were going and we were off to Melissa house I knew Melissa was nervous

"Alright we need Melissa in side and Elvis in the car"the director yelled

"Just breath "I told Melissa

"E I can't do this "she told me

"Melissa just think about us okay don't think about any of the camera's "I said

"I'll try"she said I kissed her cheek and we had to start filming

Melissa P.O.V

I didn't know how to act or what to do

"Melissa honey why don't you have June come over"the actress playing my mother said

"I can't I'm waiting for Elvis to come back"I said calmly

"CUT!!"the director said

"What I thought that was good"I said

"Well not good enough you need to act like a teenager "he said

I rolled my eyes and went back to my place

"And ACTION! "he yelled

"I can't mother I'm waiting for Elvis to come back home"I said

Just then I saw Elvis car pull up

"ELVIS!!!!!"I squealed

"I'm so glad to see you!"he said and kissed me

This felt like it did back then it felt good to be young again

"I've missed you E"I smiled  I brought him into my house

"I've missed you as well"he said

And kissed me once more

"Ma pa Elvis is home! "I said

"Elvis were glad your back safely"my fake mother said 

"Me to "he said smiling

"Please sit"she said

We sat down on through couch Elvis had his hands locked in with mine

"So Elvis did army life treat you good "pa said.

This felt good I love doing this movie it's like how it was back then

Me and Elvis drove back to Graceland after 3 hours of shooting

"Did you have fun?"Elvis asked me

"The best time "I said removing my makeup

"I'm glad I told you "he said and kissed Me

"E I love you "I said smiling

"And i love you"he said as I snuggled up against him

I feel deep into sleep that night with the man I  love 

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