chapter 26

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Melissa P.O.V

My eyes are still closed when my alarm goes off, I groan but reluctantly reach over to turn it off .

"TODAY'S YOUR  WEDDING DAY!" Rose, screamed as soon as the alarm turned off.

I rubbed my eye's trying to adjust, My mother and grandmother where all surrounding Rose.

"Come, Come. We have to start getting ready. Elvis brought some makeup artist here." Rose pulled me up from my comfortable unmade bed.

"Getting ready so soon??" I groaned, slipping my slippers on.

"Yes, were on a tight schedule Lissa."Rose practicly pushed me down the steps, With my mother and grandma got on my tail.

"Do I even have time to eat?" I stopped in my tracks.

"No!" They all three shouted in unison.

Elvis P.O.V

I woke up realizing today is the day I  am marry the women I loveI walked down stairs with the Mafia Greeting me .

"hey it's the day "Gene handed me a cigar.

"your one lucky guy!"Joe, slapped my back.

"I have to see her before the wedding"I hurridly.

"well,  we will drive you there if you'd like" Red suggested.

"sure i was gonna go myself but you guys are welcomed to come"I replyed  getting my keys

"hey I'm just going for the bridesmaids!"Joe announced,

we all laughed and got in the car

Melissa P.O.V

I was eating breakfast and I just got out of the shower when the doorbell rang

"I'll get it "Rose stopped me from reaching the door. "Elvis? what are you doing here?"

I tried to peek around Rose but she kept moving in front of me blocking my view .

"I came to see Melissa before the wedding "His voice echoed through the house.

"you can't Elvis that's not traditional, Not until the wedding. "Rose held her ground with ma's tradition.

"just let him in already! "I snapped, wanting to see him so bad it made my body ache.

"Okay, okay. "Rose mumbled moving me towards Elvis. Once I've saw Elvis I ran towards him and he picked me up and spun me around

"I missed you so much E!"I breathed in his scent.

"I missed you to baby "he smiled, kissing wet kissing along my neck.

Elvis moved out the way to let the west of the guys in and my heart froze when Red walked through.

"hi Red" I Mumbled, peeking behind Elvis. his height covered me.

"hello Melissa "His eyes never meet mine, I shuttered for a second.

"baby I'm so excited to see you in you dress today "Elvis turned his attention towards me, Crap that's the one thing i forgot.

"oh shit!"I Cursed, paceing around.

"Melissa, language! "ma yelled though the crowded hallway.

"sorry ma!"I yelled back, slightly embarrassed.

"what? "Elvis asked, raising his eyebrow slightly.

"I need to pick my dress up" I picked at my nails, which is a nervous habit of mine.

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