chapter 44

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Melissa P.O.V

after I hung up with Judy me and Elvis headed over there I was nervous and Elvis could tell

"baby don't worry everything will be fine "he tells me

"but what if she dosnt like me "I told him

he looked at me like I was crazy

" why on earth would she not like you"he said

"I don't know"I mumbled.

"trust me it will be fine "he says

I smile as he takes my hand out the car and get knocks on the door

I bit my lip in a nervous way and Elvis kisses my cheek

"Melissa! "pa said he hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek

"hi pa your glad to see me "I laughed

"I am how you doing Elvis "he asked

"really good thanks for asking"Elvis said with a smile

we walked in and seen Judy and which I suppose is pa girlfriend

"Cindy I would like you to meet my other daughter Melissa "pa said

Cindy got up and hugged me and she was really beautiful I never thought my father would get with a women like this

"it's very nice to meet you your father tells me about you all the time"she said with a big smile

"well it's nice to meet you too"I said

"this is my husband Elvis "I said

"I heard at about you my nice Loves you "she said shaking his hand

"thank you"he says

"well let's all sit down"pa said.

me and Elvis sat across from pa and Cindy

"so Elvis how long have you been on the music business? "Cindy asked

"only about 11 years"he said

"do you think you'll be going in the 70's? "she asked

"I never though about that but I probably will"he said

"well I hope you do your music is incredible "she tells him

"thank you I try real hard "he says

"where's my grand baby at ? "pa asked

"oh Vernon is watching her"I said

"you need to bring her over"he said

"don't worry I will"I said

after hours of talking me and Elvis came home

Elvis P.O.V

"she's really sweet "Melissa said

"yea she was I'm glad"I said and kissed her forehead

"me too"she said smiling she yawned

"your already tired "I asked

"hey I had a long day"she said getting out the car I laughed

"were back!"I said

"summer was wonderful "Dee said handing me summer

"thank you Dee"I said and kissed her cheek

"anytime "she said 

"baby I'm gonna take a shower and then maybe me and you can have a lone time later "she said and kissed me

" I'd like that"I tell her she smiled and headed up  stairs

"you know Elvis I'm really glad you worked things out with Melissa"Patsy said

"me to Patsy me to"I tell her

she smiles

this day turned out really well

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