chapter 27

911 17 1

Melissa P.O.V

"Melissa what was, red talking about?" Rose jumped up from her seat, with a frantic expression.

"Rose, if you'd just let me explain. "I pleaded, wanting her to know that it means nothing between me and Red.

"You know what ....Red said it was a different girl and it was you this whole time! "she snapped, Tears forming in her eyes.

"Rose  ,can you just listen to me"I shouted.

"Melissa maybe we should wait" Elvis pulled me to the side.

"No Elvis I love you, messing with Red was.... was just a mistake. "I sniffled, It was barely above a whisper.

"Melissa I know but you and red had a thing"Elvis, replied. Scratching the back of his neck. 

"it's over Elvis I don't have feelings for him anymore... There Gone. " I replied hurriedly. 

"well He, obvouisly still has feelings."he snapped.

"Elvis..." I held back my tears, not wanting to give Red the satisfaction. 

"you promise it's over with red"Elvis sighed

"Yes ...Elvis I promise.."I smiled, grabbing for his hands.

"I haven't stopped loving  you."  Tears trickled down.

"I love you.." He replied kissing my lips.

"Alright, now that's over can we get on with the wedding! "Mom groaned.

Elvis and me shrugged as we made our way back to the alter to start what we finished.

"do you Elvis Aaron Presley take Melissa Joan Rowe to be you wife to have and to hold in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"the preacher asked.

"I do"Elvis said then smiled he placed the wedding ring on my  ring finger

the preacher said the same thing to me and I of course said I do.

"Elvis you may Kiss your bride"the preacher smiled widely.

I smiled then Elvis pulled me into the most a slow but passionate kiss.

"you are now Mr and Mrs Presley" the preacher Shouted  happily

everyone clapped and me and Elvis walked out the doors into the reception

"I can't believe I'm Mrs Presley "I beamed

"it's like a dream come true"Elvis said then kissed my cheek

then Elvis and me and to do a press conference on our wedding day

"Mrs Presley how dose it feel to be married"some lady said

"it's feels amazing like I'm on top of the world"I said as Elvis entwined his fingers with mine

"Mr Presley when is your next tour" a reporter asked

"a month from today"Elvis said

after a couple of questions me and Elvis had out first dance as husband and wife

"may I have this dance"Elvis said holding his hand for me

"why Mr Presley your quiet the gentleman"I said he smiled and I took his hand

I laid my head on his chest and he put his arm around my torso

"this Is really nice"I whispered

"it sure is I love you "he said

"and I love you E"I said

after we danced it was time to cut the cake I fed Elvis a peace of cake and he smashed my cake in my face

"its on !"I said and I through a peace of cake at him and he did it to me

"don't we look delicious "Elvis said

he kissed me then whipped my face

after that we danced and it was 10:30 at night and people left so Elvis drove us home

he picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way to our room

"I've been waiting all day to do this"Elvis said i bit my lip and he kissed my chin down to my chest he took my dress off I took his shirt off and kissed his chest he then kissed me with such passion

he was the man I always dreamed of and now I have him

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