chapter 14

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Melissa P.O.V

Elvis was sleeping peacfully next to me it was really different but I did miss Elvis,  I thought he was sleeping so I kissed his bare chest and made my way up to his lips.

"Well this is a Good way of waking up"Elvis smirked pulling me on to him.

"Well get use to it"I smirked, planting a sloppy kiss on his lips.

"You know I did miss you, And you'd sassy-ness." Elvis smiled, Kissing down my neck.

"I-I missed you too." I tried to steady my breathing but failed.

Elvis missed my jawline, gripping on to nightgown.

"Lets get you outta this."He whispered deeply.

He gently pulled my nightgown up over my head throwing it across the room. I heard him groan, Making me blush and cover myself.

"Don't." He pulled my hands away, pinning them to my side.

My nerves rattled in me, I've never done this before with Elvis. He kissed me gently rolling on top of me but propping himself up .

"Are you sure?" Elvis asked, His eyes shown with love. Or hurt I couldn't tell by now .

I couldn't speak, or maybe I sidnt want to so I nodded. And then it happen it was like the most Romantic thing ever. My breathing hitched and so did Elvis's so I knew we were both close.

"I love you."Elvis breathed, Moving fastly.

"I-I love you too."My eyes rolled in the back of my head, I clung my hands to his back.

~            ~              ~             ~

I cried for what seems like days, how could I become the person who loves two people at once? I felt awful, hurt and most of all anger. I was angry at Red for driving me away, I was angry at myself for being in love with two people and most of all I was angry Elvis cheated on me.

"Baby! There you are."Elvis made his way to me, his huge smile made all my pain go away.

"Hey."I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

"I...... I need to ask you something. And I don't know what your gonna say."Elvis pulled my hand to the back of the house.

The back of the house was my favorite place in graceland, the big open field's the horses. Red leaned against the white picket fence, my heart hurt to much to look at him so I turned away.

"Melissa Rowe, I love you with all my heart. You light up my world and you make me a better person, and I don't wanna have anyone else but you. Will you marry me? Please."Elvis kneeld down, My breathing stoped. I looked towards Red who looked like he was gonna pass out.

"E-E-Elivis...... I-I don't know and to say." I stuttered.

"Say yes." He smiled, his eyes shown with love. Which I know is foreal this time.

I took a moment to think about it and maybe this was the right descision for us, we could move on from our old lives and Maybe Red was right about letting go. I need to do the same.

I looked back down at with and smiled wide through my tears.

"Yes!" I nodded frantically, Elvis slid the ring on my finger. Lifting me up from my feet.

"I finally have you, Mrs. Presley." Elvis whispered, Kissing my lips.

I smiled through the kiss and heard clapping around Us.

"Congratulations!" Patsy(Elvis's cousin) made her way to me, hugging me on for dear life. I heard Elvis chuckle behind me.

"Now we're cousins!" I giggled.

Elvis POV.

I watched as people gathered around Melissa to see her ring and congratulate her. I stayed back enjoy my time seeing her happy with a smile on her face.

"Would you just look at her." I smiled,Red walked up handing me a glass cup full of whiskey.

"Man, you'r one lucky guy." He gulped half his drink down.

"Hey, you might wanna take it easy." I suggested,seeing him slam the drink down.

"What's the point?" Red rolled his eyes, He took my drink and filled it up agian.

"What's with you?" I narrowed my eyes, trying to read through him.

"You just have this perfect life, Don't you? Not a care in the world. No worrying about paying the Bill's, and not to mention the beautiful finance you finally have after cheating multiple times."Red slurred,waving his hand around.

Melissa looked over giving a worry glance.

"Red if you Don't stop I'll-"

"You'll what? Hit me. Fire me? Do it. Come on and be a man and hit me!!" Red screamed.

People looked are way , Whispering beyond each other.

"Red, I think its time to go" Joe restrained him.

"Melissa!" Red called for her.

"Red don't!" I yelled.

"Elvis cheated on you before Priscilla and after!"Red screamed, as Joe pulled him out.

Melissa paled, from embaresment and probley hurt.

"Melissa, please listen to me!" I pleaded.

"No, Not now Elvis. We just got enganged and I don't wanna hear about it." she whispered tearfully as I pulled her aside.

"But Red just said-"

"I don't care what Red says anymore Elvis, all I care about is you. And you lied." she cried.

She pulled otta my grip going to see out guests.

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