chapter 49

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Melissa P.O.V

   Me and Jack have been dating only for 4 moths I don't know if he has feelings for me but I have feelings for him

"you ready to go on our little date?"he asked me

"Yep I just need to drop summer off with Elvis "I said packing her things

"When can I meet him?"he said

"Meet who?"I said but knowing who he was talking about

"Elvis your husband "he said

"He's not my husband well not officially "I said I picked summer up and placed her in her car seat

"Ready to see daddy"I said

"Yay!!"she squealed

"I think she's ready"jacked laughed

We drove to  Elvis house and I still need to get the divorce papers it's hard to do I picked summer up and went to the door

"Melissa your here!"Vern said happily

"I just came to drop summer off"I said

"Papa!"summer said and he kissed her cheek

"Where's Elvis?"I asked

"With Linda "he said

I raised my brow

"Linda? "I said

"Yeah Linda Thompson "he said right after he said that Elvis came down the stairs his eyes not leaving mine

"Melissa why are You here"he asked me

"Daddy!!!!"summer squealed wiggling out of my arms I put her down and she ran towards Elvis he picked her up and he twirled her around as she laughed

"My baby girl!!"he said he said and kissed her cheek

"I should get going "I said

"Where why don't you stay with us?"he asked me

"I can't Elvis I have a date "I said standing tall

"With who? "Elvis questioned

"With this polite guy named Jack we've been dating for 3 months"I said

Elvis laughed.

"What's so funny?"I asked

"What kind of name is that? "he tried to say but laughed

"What kind of name is Elvis! "I snapped

He stopped laughing And looked at me

"I need to go Elvis "I said with a stupid tear rolling down my cheek

"Dose he treat you right? "he asked me

"Yes Elvis he does and summer as well"I said

"I'm glad "he said

"We have go to court next week"I say

"I know I'm just gonna dread when the day comes"he said

"I gotta go ".I said going out the door

I walked out Graceland with tears rolling down my cheeks

"What happened? "Jack asked me as I got in the car

"Nothing everything is fine "I said whipping my tears

"Do I have to go in there?"he asked me.

"No Jack it's okay "I said and forced a smile

"Okay let's get going shall we  "he said and chuckled

Elvis P.O.V

"Daddy watch me!"summer said

"I'm watching baby!"I yelled form the chair

She did a cart wheel and I smiled she reminded me of Melissa how carefree she was

"That was great baby!"I said

"Your a great father E"Linda said behind me as she wrapped her arms around me

"You think so?"I asked

"I know so E the way you look at her the sparkle in your eyes it just tells it all"she said as she smiled

"Do you love me Linda?"I asked her

"Yes E I love you so much it hurts"she said as she sat on my lap

"I love you"I said with a smile

She kissed me then played with my hair which she knows makes me crazy

"If you keep doing that well have to go in side"I said as I pulled away

She laughed

"Linda come play princess with me" summer said pulling Linda's arm

"Okay I'll play"she said with a smile

"Daddy you can be the prince!"she said

"Yea daddy "Linda laughed

"Okay I'll play as well"I said as summer pulled my arm to

Melissa P.O.V

"Melissa can I ask you something?"Jack asked me as we walked in house

"Yes go ahead "I said

"Will you be my girlfriend? "he said

"Yes Jack I'd be honored "I said and kissed him

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