chapter 46

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Melissa P.O.V

January 12, 1968

  Me and Elvis Finished Making our movie and it was time for him to do the comeback special he was really nervous

"What if I forget the words"he tells me backstage as he gets ready

"E you won't you've practice everyday "I say

"Mama I'm hungry "summer says

"Alright Joe can you go with her to the vending machines "I ask

"Sure thing Melissa "he said

"Come on little nugget "he tells summer as he picks her up

"If I can dream of a better land where all my brothers walk and in hand "I hear Elvis whisper

"Elvis don't worry baby there gonna love you "I tell him

"You know how many people are gonna be watching me"he says

"Just picture me and summer focus on us"I tell him he smiled

" I'll try that"I says

"Well I should go get front row it's about to start "I said

"Melissa "he said right before I walked out

"Yes"I said

"i love you"he said with a smile

"And I love you"I tell him and walked out I just hope he don't pass out on stage

Elvis P.O.V

I pop a couple pills in to settle my nervous I knew Melissa would kill me if she found out I was still using them but I need them now

"Elvis your on!"Joe said

I breathed in and out as I walked towards the Stage

"Everyone Elvis Presley!!! "Red said

Everyone clapped as I walked out I looked for Melissa and summer I didn't see them

"Elvis you alright? "Scott said

Everyone was silence

"UH yea I was just lookin around "I said as I sat on my stool and putting on my guitar I kept looking and no Melissa were could she be

"what song should we Start out with ?"on of the band members said

"How about found dog that's a great one!"some one from the audience said

The music played and my heart began to beat fast Ive seen Melissa in the 2nd row I smiled at her as she smiled was at me

"You ain't nothing but a hound dog crying all the time!"I sang the girls got wild as I shaked my leg

I sat down back on the stool

Joe picked of a piece of lint The girls screamed I smiled

"Here you go darling "he said handing it to the girl in front row

It was getting towards the end of the show and it was time to do my finally but I started to feel dizzy

"E are you all right? " Scott asked me

"Yea..... I"I said with my voice fading

"E stay with me Melissa!!! "Scott yelled

I tried to keep my eyes open until Melissa for here I saw her running towards me

"ELVIS!! "she screamed

I lost my balance but Scott and Joe caught me

"He can't go on"she said

"No no I'm okay see"I said trying to stand up

"No Elvis your not can't you see it!"she said

"Melissa I cant disappoint my fans"I said

She had tears in her eyes

"I don't want to lose you E"she said

"Melissa don't sat that because you won't I promise you won't now I'm fine so can I get up?"I asked

Melissa looked at the guys

"Sure be careful"she said

I gently got up and kissed her and summer's cheek I picked up summer

"I saw you on stage"she said I smiled

"Did ya like it?"is said smiling

She nodded and kissed my cheek I set her down and it was time for my last performance of the night

I reviewed the song one last time and headed on stage

"There most be light burning brighter somewhere got to be birds flying higher in the sky more blue"I sang

As I finished everyone clapped for me and the curtains closed

"Baby that was amazing!!!"Melissa said as she walked up to me

"Thank you baby "I said smiling

She hugged me and felt something in my pocket

"What's this??"she asked me pulling my pill bottle out

"Melissa I can explain "I said

"You promise you would never take these Again you lied to me you lied"she cried

"Melissa "I said

"No don't come any closer or I'll scream"she said

"I don't know what I'm doing "I said.

Summer came up to me

"Daddy! "she said I picked her up

"How's my little girl"I said

"Fine"she said I kissed her cheek

"E it's either me or the pills"she said taking summer away from me

"I can't choose "I said

A tear fell down her cheek

"Melissa don't do this to Me please I need you to in my life or I can't go on"I said

She turned her back towards me picking summer up

"Come on baby girl"she said walking away

"Please "I said

"Good bye Elvis "she said walking away

"Melissa "I said running after her she hurried up in the limo

Melissa P.O.V

I can't live like this no more all there is are lies

"Melissa please don't leave!"I heard Elvis say pounding on the window

"I'm scared "summer said

"It's okay baby"I said rocking her back and forth

"Melissa!!! "he yelled I cried louder

"I'm sorry Elvis I can't anymore "I said

He placed both hands on the window sobbing

"Daddy"summer whispered

Elvis backed away from the car

"Joe take us home please "I cried

He just started the car as we drove away from Elvis my whole world came crashing down

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