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Melissa P.O.V

I awoke with Elvis kissing  me tenderly on the lips, I love this knew side of Him. The loving kind side. It made my heart melt.

"Morning sweetheart "Elvis Smiled, Pulling me close to his chest.

"Morning "I replied, Kissing his lips.

"Your sister and Mom Are coming over they said Something about a girls day"Elvis chuckled.

"I don't wanna be away from you." I frowned.

"It's only for a little while, I think you'll live." Elvis replied, kisismg my temple.

I sighed as I got up to get ready, Elvis wrapped his arms from behind my waist. Kissing my neck slowly.

"I'll meet you down stairs."Elvis smirked walking away.

I hurried up to get ready,  noticing the time. I took a quick shower letting my hair air dry.  I picked a pink pastel loose dress.

I made my way down stairs, when I bumped into Red.

"Melissa." He nodded.

I held back a tear not wanting to give it up to him, I walked past him ignoring him.

Just as I walked past him the door wrang.

"Rose! Mom, come in." I smiled poring the door side enough so they can come in.

"This house is beautiful! "Mom Gasped, Her eyes followed every corner of the room. Looking at every detail.

We could hear Elvis and the Mafia laughing in the jungle room me and Rose looked In that directioned.

"There's always Something going on in there"I shook my head, Rose giggled following behind me.

we turned the corner seeing Joe on top of the Table, dancing and trying to sing like Elvis.

"welll since my baby left me I found a new place stay It's down at the end of lonely streeet at heart break hotel"His voice became Low, He shook his leg then land on his knees. Shaking his whole body.

I held my laugh but Elvis didn't do the same, He burster out laughing.

"Joe I think your the next Elvis! "Gene laughed, Almost dying of air.

"Hey there's No one better than my Elvis "I Defended Elvis, Elvis smiled kissing my lips. 

"Me and Rose are gonna Head out" I Informed Elvis.

"That's Fine." Elvis smirked,pulling me close. He gave me a slow tender kiss.

I pulled away, walking out the door but Elvis slapped my but.

I snapped my head into Elvis's direction.

"You're mine right?" He smirked causing the boys to howl in laughter.

"Vern you need to tell those boys off"I yelled walking away with a smile.

"Are you ready Rose?"I said grabbing my bag off of the the hook.

"If you are. " Rose smiled leading the way.

we walked out of Graceland and there were reporters everywhere,Around the gates. Trying to snap pictures of the two of us.

"Mrs Rowe see you engaged to Mr .Presley? "one asked, as we left the gate.

I didn't say anything because I knew Elvis wouldn't want me to tell just yet once we got through all the reports Me, Mom and Rose were off shopping and having a girls day.

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