chapter 43

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with Elvis already dressed and holding summer

"what time is it?"I asked while stretching

"a little after twelve "he said

I yawned and sat up straight

"I spent half my day in bed"I said

Elvis nodded and laughed

"baby I have some interesting news"He told me

"okay shoot "I said with a smile

"um I pulled some strings had called a director "he started off

"about what"I said

"I wanted to make a movie about our lives together"he said with a grin

"Elvis "I said getting up from bed

"what the director wanted someone to play you but I thought it would be better is you play you"he explained

"ya but Elvis I don't know how to act plus you have your tv special coming up you'll be too busy"I tell him

"baby will make time this would be great for us to bond"he says

"Elvis I don't know who's gonna watch summer?"I asked

"I bet your sister would love to "he said with a smile

"come on it would be fun"he said

I give him a look and he dose puppy dog eyes

"please "he says making me laugh

"okay okay I'll do it"I gave in

"yes baby thank you you won't regret it I promise"he tells me and kissed me

"you better be right "I say with a smile

he laughs

Elvis P.O.V

I'm so happy she said yes this movie is gonna be great

"what did she say? "Joe asked me

"she said yes!"I said happily

"that's great E"he says

"now I need you to get  me and Melissa our script "I told him

"okay sure"he said and went out the door

"what's all this buzzing around the house about this movie"doger my grandmother said

"well doger were doing a movie here at Graceland about me and Melissa! "I said

"oh Elvis that's great "she said

"and I want you to be in it to"I tell her she gets happy

"Elvis really? "she asked me

"yes "I tell her she jumps with joy

"oh this is gonna be so fun"she says with a smile

I laugh as she goes around telling everyone about this movie

Melissa P.O.V

I came down stairs and called Judy about the great news

"hey Melissa "she said

"hi what you up to"I asked

"oh dad's girlfriend is over right now"she said

I heard laughing in the background

"do you want me to call you back?"I asked

"how about you come over and meet her she's really sweet "she said

"well I gotta ask Elvis but Okay see you soon"I tell her

"bye"she said and hung up

"hey sweetie "Elvis said and kissed me

"hi"I said and smiled

"my dad's girlfriend is over at his house I was wondering if you would want to come with me?"I ask him

"yea sure I'll go"he said

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go but I needed to meet her sooner or later

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