chapter 12

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Melissa P.O.V

Red laird next to me, sleeping peacefully. Me on the other hand couldn't sleep at all, I was way too busy worrying about Elvis and what he would think. I don't wanna break his heart but I already did.

I kissed Red's nose gently , just admiring him. His breathing was steady. One of his eyes pealed open making me startle a little.

"Hey.." I giggled, He pulled me close to his bare chest.

"Good morning." Red smirked, He pulled me on top of him.

"You know, I've been thinking. Maybe we should move in officially. "Red blurted out, Stroking my hair.

"Moving in....." I trailed off, He stoked my chin pulling me close.

"I know its early, Just think about it. Okay?" Red questioned.

I nodded, laying me chin on his looking up into his eyes.

Elvis P.O.V

I woke up with No Melissa by me I slowly but surely got up and reached for my pills. I walked down stairs to see my daddy, I had a hard and rough night without Lissa. I missed her deeply.

"Morning son"Daddy greated me with a lot of coffee.

"Morning "I sighed, I rubbed my tired eyes. Slumping on the couch

"What's been bothering you Elvis? "he said

"I miss her pa"I said

"you can win her back I know you will"he said then hugged me I hugged back

"how pa I lost mama I don't want to lose her"I said

"you won't just think of a way to win her back "he said

"how pa? "I asked him

"that's up to you"he said as he walked away to The

Melissa P.O.V

"Red stop!! "I laughed as he tickled the side of my stomach.

"You know you like it"Red replied, pulling me down on the bed. Trying to peel off my top.

"Red.." I whined, but I pulled him closer wanting to get more. Red missed my neck down to my chest.

knock knock knock

"Who is it? "Red asked me as he filded with the hem of my shirt.

I looked out the curtain seeing Elvis pacing back and forth with a worried expression.

"Crap!" I sighed.

"who is it baby?" Red asked, Kissing my bottom lip pulling me closer to him.

"It's Elvis "I awnsered, getting off the bed pulling my top down.

"Shit!"Red cursed, Buttoning his shirt.

knock knock knock

"just stay here I'll be back"He scurried out the room, shutting the door.

Red P.O.V

I sighed once more before I opened the door, Elvis rushed in.

"I miss her Red, she's driving me crazy. I need her" Elvis Paced back and forth like a crazied man.

"I know, I'm sure she misses you too." I replied, knowing Melissa can hear us. 

"I need to get her back, and now. I can't live without her." Elvis Responded.

"Yeah but how? You did pretty messed up stuff." I tried to contain calm but thinking of the things Elvis did to her made me boil in side.

"I don't know Red I'm lost, I can't even think when she's not around me." Elvis awnsered.

I heard a cry and Elvis raised his brow.

"Did you hear that?" Elvis turned to me.

"N-No I didn't hear anything." I swayed back and forth on the balls of my heals.

"Right..." Elvis trailed off.

I pried that Melissa wouldn't make another sound.

"What dose she like?"I asked, changing the subject.

"flowers, Romantic stuff. Maybe that would changed her mind. I need to get things set up. "Elvis replied, standing up and jogging towards the door.

"Melissa?" I called out as soon as the door closed.

Melissa peeked her head out the hall, with puffy red eyes.

"He wants me back.... I don't know if i can do that. " she sobbed, walking towards me.

"I'll be behind you in what ever you want, I just want you happy." I soothed her.

"But both of you make me happy." she cried, clinging onto me.

Melissa P.O.V

"Hey, you know I'll support you in everything you do. Even if you don't pick me. I'll still be here." Red held me close, rocking me back and forth.

"How could you? Even if i don't be with you. How could you still love me?" I ask, looking into his blue ocean eyes.

"I-I don't know... But what I do know is that I love you Lissa. And that will never change." Red promises me, He cups my cheeks pulling my lips towards his in a passionate , slow and the most romantic kiss I had.

"Red..." I breathed. No words can explain how he felt about me so I guess he had to show it.

"But tomorrow, you need to go back with Elvis. He'll be suspicious and call your mother." Red got up from the couch.

"What... How could you say that when... When we kissed liked that?" I paled. Unable to move, one minute he was telling me he loved me and the next he wants me to go.

"It's for your own good, if it was up to me I'd have you stay. And you know that." Red replied, He rubbed his temples in an annoying way.

"My own good? How is it good to be away from you?!? I LOVE YOU." I sobbed "I love you so much that I.... I would do anything for you."

"That's why you have to be with Elvis, I ain't giving you a choice.  I don't want you hurt and Elvis would be livied." Red's emotions were gone for me, its like he shut me out.

"Red... Please. I- I don't wanna go back. Don't make me go back Red. He leaves me alone in that house of his to play Wife when he's out messing around with God knows who." I sobbed, clinging onto him .

"No, Melissa. You have to go and I won't give you a choice." Red peeled me off of him.

"Who are you?" I whipped my tear not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

"I'm a man who loves you enough to let you go. And if you love me, you'll do the same." Red sighed.

"I-I cant just let you go." I cried.

"You are, and you will." Red kissed my forhead.

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